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I got my German Shepherd Dog because I already owned four cats. It was a smart decision to get this dog. My dog is really nice with the cats and also is gentle with children. I came across greenfieldpuppies searching for a competitive price and a registered dog with pedigree. My family and I love our dog, and so he is becoming a great family protector. I cannot thank enough the breeder who sold me Sirio, Samuel Stoltzfus who is a honest man and a good business person. It is conevient to buy from and the only suggestion I would make to future buyers is to embrace the month health guarantee to get your dog’s shots and in case of large breed dogs to get the hip’s x rays.
Thanks greenfieldpuppies you are great!

We purchased Taffy on Aug 6, 2011 from Rachel Stolzfus in Coatesville. Taffy is a King Charles/Cockapoo mix. She is as adorable in person as she was on the website. We took her to the Vet and she is being treated for ear mites and giardia. She weighs in at 10 lbs and is a fast learner at 14 weeks of age. She was able to navigate our stairs and large doggy door within a day. Having two larger dogs ( 8 & 9 yrs of age) seemed to help. She is practically house-broken and has adjusted quite well. She is a welcome addition to our family.
Connie & David Shumway - Frederick, MD

I just wanted to thank you guys for the service you provide! We found Gary (formerly Butch) and contacted Mr. Esch and his wife to reserve him. A week later, we went to pick him up and were amazed! Gary was such a big, playful pup, as was his brother. We took him to the vet the next day, and he is the picture of health! He is the absolute best puppy we could ever hope for! He has such a great personality, and along with a perfect vet check, is the best puppy ever. He’s very intelligent and learned how to sit, stay, and come on day we brought him home. Thank you, Greenfield Puppies, for our newest family member!
Rachel, Edwin, and Gary Robles

I have had Gizmo(was Dario) since July 31,2011 from the Beilers. He attached to our family right away. At his first Vet visit he weighs a healthy 9lbs at 19 wks, just as healthy as he can be. He just lays right under me my husband and our 3 yr old richie. There are pictures attached. We would like to thank greenfield for getting us in contact with Simeon &Linda Beiler in Paradise Pennsylvania. They were very professional and informative. Their family was very inviting and we even fell in love with their Boxer and Shiba that were walking around. Thanks again
MarQuisha,Richard,and Richie Waites (Chester,Pennsylvania)

Last November, we lost our beloved friend Zeke. He was our beautiful 13 1/2 yr. old Dalmatian (we had hime since he was three months). In March 2011, we decided to adopt another puppy. I saw your billboard on Rte 30 (Greenfield Exit). We decided that we wanted to adopt a Golden Retriever since we had cats, and a 2 year old daughter. After looking at the dogs listed, we found one named “Strawberry”. My daughter is a big fan of Strawberry Shortcake. We clicked on the adorable puppy’s picture and saw that she was raised with three young girls. I contacted Elam King, and went to see him in Christiana. We instantly fell in love with Strawberry. We adopted her. The King residence was clean, the mother dog was there, and two siblings were left. They raised beautiful puppies. Strawberry has been a joy since we brought her home. Our veterinarian is impressed by her. She has had no health problems. I would like to thank you for uniting us with our new best friend!

I want to thank greenfield puppies for bringing Booker into our home! Our experience has been wonderful! We lost our beloved golden retriever Katie to lymphoma. We decided that our house felt empty. We decided to search for a puppy! I found greenfield and immediately found Booker! My experience with the breeder (the Hurst family was fantastic). Booker is a lab mix with red heeler. Booker is in perfect health and he has a great temperament. I would definitely use greenfield puppies again when we decide to get Booker a playmate. Booker is such an amazing puppy he was chosen to be a featured puppy on the! Thank you greenfield puppies and the Hurst family for bringing so much joy into my family!
Corinna Rowe

We wanted to let the Burkholder family and Greenfield group know of our experience. We bought the former Bubbles and arrived home with Zoey. The Burkholders, in Robesonia Pa. , were most gracious and receptive to my visit to their home. I liked that there were children that play with the new puppies and the patience Mrs. Burkholder showed as I visited with them. In the end, I stuck with my internet choice. Our new family member, Zoey, passed her first vet exam with flying colors. These last few days have been so enjoyable with our fun loving puppy. Thank you all very much as your website was most helpful in our decision as to where we should buy, not to mention the ethics and personal touch you communicate to the public.
Bob & Patti West Chester, Pa.

This is my currently five month old Rottweiller puppy.Yes, he is a very large five month old, weighing about 75 lbs. He was my early Christmas present this past year. I stumbled upon Greenfield Puppies and browsed through their listed Rottweiler puppies. My attention was caught by a puppy listed in Paradise, PA. Captain, renamed JAX was bred by Michael Miller and his family. The Millers are wonderful breeders and their female Rottweiler Sheila IV is one of the most well mannered, beautiful female rottweilers I have ever encountered. Not only did my Vet fall head over heels in love with JAX’S conformation, his temperament is also a 10+. I have never met such a smart puppy. I brought JAX home the day he turned eight weeks and that same day he learned to scratch on the door to go out. He has never done anything wrong in his crate and is not destructive. By 10 weeks he knew sit, stay, lay down, speak, rollover, play dead, high five, and paw. The Millers are producing impeccable breed standard puppies and I recommend their litters to anyone looking for a quality bred dog at a reasonable price. Greenfield Puppies are representing breeders of a higher standard, and I am confident that their standards carry over to all breeds represented on their site.
Dana Delfino - Staten Island NY

We purchased Dixie from the Zimmerman’s in Leola in November of 2010 and we are very happy. Dixie is beautiful and healthy, and has turned into one of the friendliest, happiest dogs. Greenfield puppies has been wonderful in answering any questions or helping me with any concerns I had. Dean is wonderful. We drove 3 1/2 hours to get her and I do not regret it one bit!! She is the new joy of our lives and if we ever get another boxer (which we will) we will go through Greenfield Puppies again.
Cait - Muttontown, Long Island, New York

I wanted a big dog all my life but living in NYC in a one bedroom apt i was never able own one, i just purchased a home in Jersey City with a huge yard so now i’m ready for a new family member, i encounter Greenfield Puppies and i was amazed with the selection of reputable breeders they have, i contacted the breeder i chose and within a day i had complete information on the puppy i chose, pictures and videos of the puppy, i immediately send the breeder a deposit and this past weekend i picked up my bundle of joy, he is now 9 weeks old and very healthy as the breeder said he was, i took him to my vet to make sure he healthy and he passed all tests.
Jay Cruz
If you are looking for an English Mastiff pure breed you can contact Isaac King i totally recommend him as a breeder, he is very professional and a very nice person.
I looked around before i found Greenfield puppies and no one made me feel as comfortable as Greenfield Puppies did.