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We got a Cavapoo from Rachel in Coatesville, PA. When I saw Roxy (now her name is Oreo) I fell in love with her so we drove almost two hours to go see her, and when we arrived the first thing we saw was Oreo running towards us so I was more in love with her. Oreo is a very playful, loving, smart puppy she is now almost 4 months old. Me and my husband are super happy with Oreo, and she is very spolied. Thanks Greenfield puppies.
Marielba and Jacob

Sean thank you so much for dealing with such a nervous and anxious mommy to be!!!! We love bean and so do our other two dogs. He has already filled the void of our latest lose. I will be recommending your company however I think you need to reconsider switching to another more responsible airline. Thank you so very much!!!
Marianne and Brian SK, RI

We found our adorable Keeshond puppy on and couldn’t be happier. Barley is a healthy, sweet, and playful 10 week old puppy. The breeder, Steve Laap was nothing but nice and his farm where little Barley grew up was absolutley beautiful. It was very clean and welcoming. I have only good things to say about the entire Greenfield puppy expierience and would absolutely recomend them to find your perfect puppy. We look forward to a long, happy and healty life with Barley. Thank You Greenfield.

In the spring of 2010, I had just lost my golden of ten years very suddenly, and the void that she left was enormous. So after a lot of research on very healthy, smart and personable dogs, i settled on a pom and started looking through the Greenfield Puppies website. I came across a few of Levi Kauffman’s pomeranians and one named “Rosie” caught my eye– I contacted Mr. Kauffman and arranged to drive the two hours out to Honeybrook to go see her. Upon getting there, I was stricken by how clean and nice the facilities were. There were several poms running in a fenced-in paddock looking happy and in good weight, enjoying the sun. Mr. Kauffman took me up into the barn (which was incredibly well lit, spacious, clean and opened up to allow in fresh air)and I got to hold and play with the puppies, ultimately falling in love with “Rosie”, putting down a deposit and arranging to come back and get her in a week’s time. that was the longest week of my life! The second I picked he r up, I began her transformation into the most spoiled little dog ever. The vet has given her a clean bill of health every time we’ve seen her, and is super impressed by her social personality, especially for a little dog. Her name is now Lily, and I couldn’t love her any more if I tried. This dog is my baby. She’s sugar-sweet, super smart and everyone who meets her falls in love with her amazing personality. She loves to sleep next to her mommy on the bed, wear her little pink sweaters out on walks and play with the other puppies at the dog park. Thank you Mr. Kauffman and Greenfield Puppies for leading me to my precious baby, the most important little girl in this world to me.
Rachel Taylor

I got Paisley 3 weeks ago and she was in great shape. She is an awesome dog and the breeders were so friendly. We got her from Sadie and Elam King. She has been such a great addition to our lives.She recently got her ears cropped and she is doing great.
Danielle Marut

Thank you GREENFIELD PUPPIES so much for giving us the tools to find the perfect addition to our family. Chloe is the most lovable, playful ball of energy you will ever meet. David Fisher owner of End-O-Lane Kennels was great to work with on this adoption. Shawn and his family from Greenfield Puppies were unbelievable to work with. Shawn helped us get Chloe from PA to ME and it wasn’t an easy task. The weather was not on our side but after a few false starts and a couple of days it happened; we got to finally meet our beloved Chloe. THANK YOU David, Shawn, Hostetter Family for helping to make our family complete!! P.S. As I type Chloe is keeping my feet warm by laying across them taking a morning nap 🙂
Jeff, Dena & Shayla

I got my Siberian Husky Puppy last week and it’s been a blessing since. most importantly, the puppy is healthy and the breeder took good care of him. My Fiance and I Loves him and soo Happy to have him part of our life. after 2 days he started feeling comfortable with us and now he already knows his new name and (almost)house broken. it was great experiance for sure.

Many thanks to Greenfield Puppies for helping us find the perfect puppy. We tried to find a rescue dog and filled out several applications. Those attempts were unsuccessful because either the foster home decided to keep the dog or because the dog offered to us was not the kind we requested. Then we stumbled across GFP. Their website put us in touch with David King of Manheim, PA. David and his wife and children had a litter of black lab/mix puppies for sale that we found adorable. I immediately called and spoke with David and made arrangements to view “Biscuit”. I offered to make a deposit on the puppy since we are from Massachusetts and it would be a few days before we could get there. He declined the offer and held him for us since we sounded sincerely interested and would be making the long trip to view him. Long story short, we found the perfect dog to replace our beloved Lab we lost a year and a half ago. We have renamed our puppy “Moxie”. Thank you GFP an d David King and family.
George and Linda Munson - Westhampton, MA

Thanks to Greenfield Puppies and Amos and Leah Ebersol over at the Welsh Mountain Farm for our puppy Baily. Bailey was the last one out of the bunch to get chosen. On our drive back to Brooklyn he walked over to me and layed his head on my arm and we have been inseparable ever since that day. Bailey has so much personality, he loves to get his belly rubbed he lives for that. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him instantly. Thanks again!
Jarette & Shawn

We traveled from CT to Lancaster, PA to pick up 2 female sibling Golden Labradors from breeder Mervin Smucker. Named Siena & Ziva (mother Sierra, father Benji) & now 19 months old, they are healthy, very intelligent, strong & a comical pair. They instantly filled the void left when we lost our 4th large dog. Siena & Ziva love playing together & the interaction between them is amazing to watch. They make us laugh every day! Thank you Greenfield Puppies & Mervin Smucker.
Sam & Paulette Belsito