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Keisha at months. Loves ice cubes, hates hot weather. Sits,shakes hands and is loving to go and meet people.
Don Keer

We have had Elli (formerly Trixie) for almost 2 months now and couldn’t be more in love with her. She is a very social puppy and just loves to greet visitors and give kisses. She and her new big brother Sonny get along great and she has brought the puppy out again in our 10 yr old boy. We will definitely be coming back here to look for all of our future puppies.
Christy Brown

Mindy is the best dog our family could ask for. She is so smart and at 18 weeks old is learning so much, so fast. Her 2 sister kitties don’t like her too much but she is trying her best to be their best friend. She loves to meet new people and give everyone kisses and she especially loves her puppy classes and her teacher. Thank you Greenfield Puppies for your services. We couldn’t have found our perfect Mindy without you!
Debb Cyr

We brought Miles (previous name: Snickers) home the 23rd of December, 2013. John Stoltzfus of Nottingham was the breeder. Miles is six months old now. He’s rambunctious, loving, and very intelligent, with personality to spare, and we love him dearly.
Sharon and Joe

We are really happy with ONI ( coy) , a happy healthy puppy we are glad we took the drive from Connecticut to Pa, the breeder Marvin a nice person, ONI is now 14 weeks and growing…

I purchased LUKA July 10th, 2012 from Amos Beiler in Quarryville PA. She was up on all her shots/wormer, and my vet gave her a clean bill of health. Amos was a pleasure to deal with and had both parents on the premises for me to meet, as well as three generation pedigree’s to look at for each of the parents..along with hip certification papers. If you are looking for the same things when buying a German Shepherd please go see Amos Beiler !!!
Cathy Chee

We got our Irish Setter in December 2011 after looking for a lab puppy. I came across Greenfield and found Sullivan. He is not only beautiful but incredibly smart. The farm he was on was incredibly clean and the puppies were healthy. It was well worth the ride and when I get a female we will definately choose Greenfield.
Sean and Nicole

We purchase a dog from greenfield puppies, and couldn’t have been happier. Daisy just turned 2! We adopted her from Roxanne Martin. She is an unbelievable dog! She has champion bloodlines, she’s incredibly intelligent, well mannered for a boxer, and so great with our family! We couldn’t love her more. My dog is extremely healthy and just all out great dogs! I recommend her everytime someone asks me about my dog along with greenfield puppies!! Thank you for my baby!!!
Carina Powers

It was well worth the drive from northern Virginia to Gordonville, PA to get our adorable little Cavachon, who we named Marley. My vet says he is practically perfect, and we adore him. He has been so easy to crate train. He is smart, soft, fluffy, affectionate and adorable!
Betty Pyle

This is Dudley born July 21, 2011 at Jen Air Acres. I just want to say the Jenn breeds exceptional pups and takes exceptional care of them til they go to their new homes. I am so pleased with Dudley! He is incredibly smart, loyal,obedient,gorgeous and has so much personality…I just can’t say enough. This is Dudley at his first pool party a few weeks ago and he was like a duck in water til he got tired and napped on the raft. His parents are Jen-Air David the Great and Jen-Air Pippylongstockings. Thanks Jenn for my constant companion! I love him so much!