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We had a wonderful experience adopting our Blue Heeler “Dixon” from the Martin family in Ephrata, PA. He is now six months old and continues to be a very SMART, happy and healthy dog. He enjoys his days making us laugh and playing with our son and his furry siblings. Thank You Greenfield Puppies and The Martin family for making this a easy and fast experience.

This is our dog Jake, we got Jake for my birthday in 2012. He is one of the most loveable, sweet, kind and gentle dogs I have ever met and I am SO proud to be his owner. Jake loves to meet and greet people and all other animals. We bought him from Amos from Gordonville. Last fall we entered Jake in to a billboard contest and had people vote and HE WON!!! Now we have been able to share him with others.
Stephanie Tecza

Danny is the smartest and cutest pup ever!!! I love him. Thank you..
Janine Erlich

I was looking for a dog for over a year since my other Labrador Retriever passed away. On March 13, 2013, we found Dalton on your site. I called and he was promised to someone else originally. However, they backed out and my husband and daughter drove out to Western PA to pick him up. He was the cutest puppy! He’s now almost 9 months old and so well behaved. (Well, he likes to chew shoes). We love him and he’s got such a great personality. He makes these sighs and talks to us. We keep the treats above the dryer and when he wants one, he sits in front of the dryer and barks and cries. I think I give in too much because I can’t resist his face. Our other dog Coco (chocolate Labrador) is his best friend. Wrigley loves being with him. He kisses him and puppy plays. It’s really adorable to watch. I’m really glad that we got a great dog. Especially since there are so many breeders out there that are puppy mills. Thanks again! Kim
Kim Mitchell

We purchased our puppy, a goldendoodle, from Mr. David Fisher back in May. I’m happy to say that she is a joy and feel into place in our family very nicely. She is happy and healthy and her name was Sofie on your website and we renamed her Daisy. I’ve attached a picture.
Mr. Fisher was very professional and kind when we visited his impeccable farm to look at the puppies and bring Daisy home. His wife was very sweet and brought water out for everyone and they allowed us as much time as we needed to look and play with Daisy.
I have and will continue to recommend people to Greenfield Puppies and Mr. Fisher.
All the best~ Sarah
Sarah Piola Papenhausen

We got our adorable little Jackapoo pup from Ben Kauffman. The Kauffman’s were extremely responsive and helpful, returning all phone calls and supplying all information needed to determine whether the pup was right for us. The pup has a great disposition and is very smart and we’re very happy to have him be a part of our family. 🙂
Gae Miller


Just had to submit this picture. Thank you to the Smuckers in Narvon, PA. Bella is four months old and a happy, healthy Cavachon that keeps me running. I’m exhausted….but love her.
Karen Tonkery

We got this little guy from Merlene Martin in Elizabeth, P.A. in April 2013. She was so wonderful and kind to do business with. It is 5 months later and we could not be happier with our new addition. He has brought so much joy and laughter to our family. We are truly grateful for him and I would highly recommend her pups, which I did, and his half brother is our neighbor!
McGrath Family

On Saturday August 24, 2013 my husband and I decided to pick up a German Shepherd puppy from a breeder that Greenfield puppies recommended. We went to Samuel S. Smucker in Lancaster Pennsylvania when we arrived Samuel received us well you could tell that our puppy was well taken care of. The dog was playful and in good health. The website truly delivers what it offers. I would recommend anyone looking to purchase a purebred to visit this site. Thanks again!
Dante & Rosa Nocetti