How to Keep your Dog Safe on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a very stressful time of year. We worry about every little detail and drive ourselves up a wall planning it all out. It is the most food based holiday of the year, and dogs enjoy the revelry at least as much as humans, with bits of this…

Introducing your New Puppy to your Old Dog

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, we appreciate you visiting us. Today I want to talk about introducing a new puppy into a home with an existing Alpha Dog. If you own a dog and are considering getting another one, then you must remain aware of the situations that…

Keep your Dog Cool

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. With summer around the corner, it is time to start thinking of things about the warm seasons that can harm your pets. Throughout the upcoming season we will address many issues that should concern you, but first I want to talk about your…

Roxy the Pomeranian

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Normally I would be talking about something informative in my post, but yesterday I experienced something that touched my heart. I was out on my normal 12-1 lunch break and on my way back from picking up my McDonald’s Grilled Chicken salad when I…

Can My Dog Swim?

Most people assume that a dog naturally knows how to swim, not true. Certain breeds have a natural knack around water, but they still need to be eased into it in a controlled environment. As you all know by now, I own a Labrador Retriever, a dog that has certain physical gifts (partially…

Spring Dog Safety Guide

With the first day of spring right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about the wonderful, and concerning things that come with the change of a season. It goes without saying that this is a great time to add to your family if you are thinking about…

Lyme Disease Facts

Lyme Disease is a very real threat to your dog, and it is vital that you have them protected. Lyme disease is contracted through the bite of a tick that is carrying the bacteria. The name of the disease is derived from the location of the first outbreak in Lyme,…

Holiday Pet Hazards

Christmas is a time filled with joy, stress, and lots of things that can be hazardous to your pet. Most of the times when decorating or getting into the “Christmas spirit” we often overlook some of the general risks certain things pose to our family friends, but there are many,…