Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

The Siberian Husky: What’s All the Fuss?

When we talk about Siberia, we are talking about a land that is so renowned for its inhospitable environment that it has become synonymous with the Russian gulag and the concept of life imprisonment and exile, all tied to an icy tundra where only few have truly thrived. This, then,…

Your Beagle and Your Responsibilities

Beagles are not just iconic – they’re adorable. They’re a great choice for a breed for your home, but they aren’t all fun and play; you also have to care for them! Beagles require special care and looking after, just like with any breed, and they have their own set…

The Golden Retriever: Not Just Any Dog

At first glance, golden retrievers seem like an all-around reliable choice for a dog in your home, but in fact, they are just as unique, as special, and as needy as any other pet. They have their own particular set of quirks and problems, as well as strengths and virtues,…

Five Minutes to Heatstroke: Is It Safe to Leave Your Dog in the Car?

With summer here, the weather is rapidly heating up, and that means we’re going to have to begin changing how we do things. That can include cranking up the A/C, keeping the blinds and curtains closed to save on energy bills, doing your utmost to stay hydrated, among other things….

What You Should Know About English Bulldog Puppies

While English bulldog puppies are certainly adorable and make great pets, they also require a great deal of care. Following are some pointers to keep in mind if you are considering purchasing (or have already purchased) one of these lovely puppies. English Bulldogs can be Stubborn Unlike other dog breeds,…

Golden Retriever Puppies

Golden retriever puppies are cute, but that does not mean they are easy to train. Certain characteristics are common to the breed and may make the puppies more work than some owners may prefer. By understanding the key characteristics, it is possible to identify what you can expect from a…

Caring For Beagle Puppies

Understanding Your Beagle Puppy Known for their gentle, sweet, tolerant, and loving temperament, beagles are also social, intelligent, and brave dogs that are great with kids. While their natural habitat is outdoors, they still make excellent indoors pets but must be taken for daily long walks and need proper exercise….

Playful Boxer Puppies

The Boxer dog breed has its roots in Germany. Although boxer dogs often stand on their hind legs at bat at things, apparently boxing, this is not how they got their name. It is likely that the origin of the name comes from an old and forgotten German word associated with…

Blue Heeler Puppies

If you’re planning to adopt a Blue Heeler puppy into your home, be prepared for a challenge. Blue Heelers, aka Australian cattle dogs, are highly energetic and intelligent creatures with very specific needs. A cross between an Australian dingo and smooth collie, Blue Heeler puppies are adorable when little, but…

5 Most Common Health Problems With Dogs

Dog have many different health problems during their lifetime. Five of the most common are ear infections, worms, fleas, skin infections, and obesity. Most dogs suffer from these common health problems as puppies or adult dogs. Ear Infections are common in most breeds of dogs. Often this is caused by…

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Puppies

It is always a nice thing to have a pet especially if you are living alone or you are with kids. However, in the two mentioned circumstances, you have to be responsible in adopting a new member in the household. Below is a smart guide for you. Personal Circumstance as…