Training Your Jack Russell Puppy

Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs) are energetic companions that make an excellent addition to most households. Both bold and intelligent, JRTs require discipline from an early age to combat behavioral problems and overcome their short attention spans. Like most puppies, Jack Russells have special needs that should be addressed before bringing…

Siberian Huskies As A Family Dog

Many families bring dogs into the family as a companion for their children and to share the fun experience of pet ownership with their children. One of the most attractive breeds people often consider is the Siberian Husky. However, the question of whether these dogs are good family dogs is…

Pomeranian Puppies

So, you’re thinking a Pomeranian might be the right dog for you? You might be right, but before you choose a breed, it’s important to research the dog’s characteristics to be sure you are making the best decision! Let’s take a closer look at Pomeranian puppies. Believe it or not,…

Toy Fox Terriers

Looking for a dog to become a member of your family can be fun and exciting. It can also turn into a problem if the wrong dog is chosen. You’ll need to think about the size of dog, the dog’s personality and temperament and how much effort will be needed…

Jack Russell Terriers Rule The Roost!

Well, it will seem like it at times anyway. If you’re interested in a Jack Russell terrier, we’ve found that they’ll be excellent dogs to have, especially if you’re an energetic, lively person who wants a constant companion who isn’t afraid to express their own opinions and loves to have…

Should I Microchip My Dog?

Should I get my dog microchipped? It is a frequently asked question, and as one of the net’s top websites with puppies for sale, we want to give you all of the tools available to help you to protect your dog, and the investment you have made. Have you ever walked…