Dogs that love being in water

Not every dog is a water-loving dog. Those with shorter statures or thicker coats may not be huge fans of the water or wonderful swimmers. If you enjoy the great outdoors and love to swim, fish, and hike you may want a pooch that will be happy to jump right…

Personality Profile: Labrador Retrievers

Labrador retrievers are one of the most popular breeds in the world and for very good reason. They are incredibly sweet, loving, patient dogs that adore the companionship of humans and are incredibly eager to impress their owner. Labs are very intelligent dogs that can understand many commands and have…

3 Little Known Facts About Labrador Retrievers

Circus Clowns Originally produced from breeds originating in Russia, Labs gained popularity through their travels in the circus. A few reasons they were fit for the circus, and later an addition to many families, in America was their patience and affability. Labs are wonderful pets for first-time dog owners because…

3 Little Known Facts About silver labs

Teasrs:   Controversy behind silver labs   Be a responsible pet owner and learn more about the controversy behind silver labs   Silver labs have been advertised since the 1950s and appear beautiful and sweet pets that are a color variant with the same temperament as a purebred Labrador retriever….