3 Little Known Facts About Labrador Retrievers

Gentle Jaws Because labs are game retrievers they can hold prey in their mouth without damaging the meat or pelt. They can even hold an egg in their mouth without cracking it. Labs enjoy the responsibility given to them by having prey or a toy in their mouth. It means…

3 Surprising Facts About Your Labrador Retriever

 Surprising Facts About Your Lab! The Labrador Retriever is perhaps the most well-known dog among Americans, and with good reason: the breed is loyal, intelligent, kindhearted, strong, energetic, obedient, and beautiful. What isn’t to love? Yet despite its popularity, the breed actually holds quite a few mysteries yet, as well…

5 Health Tips For Your Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers have been known for a long time to be great family dogs. Most of them tend to be extremely friendly and somewhat calm, yet at the same time very outgoing. And while they do make for a great dog for the family, they need care and attention just…

A Brief History of the Labrador Retriever

When most people think of the origin of Labrador Retrievers, the assumption is that they come from Labrador. The truth, however, is more complicated. Same Dog, Different Name In the 1700s, Labradors were called St. John’s Dogs or also Lesser Newfoundland Dogs. This is because contrary to popular belief, the…

What Are the Best Dogs For Camping Companions?

Some of the best dogs for camping companions are also the best family-oriented pets and continue to be the most popular breed in t he United States. Meet the Labrador Retriever group. Labs, as they are most commonly known, are truly affectionate dogs that love their pack, or family, and…

Veterinary Issues For Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers are beautiful animals. They have a passion for water and make wonderful pets but there are also special Veterinary issues to expect from Labrador Retrievers.  Health problems owners must address. The Labrador is affected by a list of maladies with aging, hypothyroidism, arthritis, laryngeal paralysis, dysfunction syndrome, cancer,…