The Story of Scooby-Doo

The Story of Scooby-Doo You remember Scooby-Doo – that Saturday morning cartoon about a band of teenagers driving around in a van, solving mysteries that revolved around spooky ghosts, mummies, and more, with plenty of musical numbers accompanying the “action,” so to speak. Most importantly, the namesake of the show,…

Top Ten Animated Canine Companions, Part Two

Canine Companions, Part Two Dogs are man’s best friend, and we can see that represented in all of our media, including cartoons and other animated shows and films! In fact, many cartoon dogs are iconic characters whom we remember more fondly than most human characters, and long after their shows…

Top Ten Animated Canine Companions, Part One

Canine Companions, Part One Dogs are man’s best friend, so it makes sense that in the stories we tell ourselves, this is reflected – and even magnified in those fictions! Indeed, some cartoon dogs are practically iconic characters that are larger than most human characters, and we remember them well…

The Story of Lassie

Lassie, the classic American collie. Perhaps the quintessential “man’s best friend” is Lassie, the collie who was on American television in the mid-50s, who was previously featured in stories about dogs and their owners, and now is seen as the perfect aid, companion, protector, and friend to man. Indeed, when…

The Story of Rin Tin Tin

Few dogs have as great a reputation, or as storied a past, as Rin Tin Tin. The story goes that near the end of World War 1, U.S. Army corporal Lee Duncan discovered a badly damaged kennel in the French village of Filrey; this kennel had previously supplied the German…