Dobermans: A Loyal And Watchful Dog Breed

When people think about a dog that offers protection from home burglars, the Doberman is the first type of breed that comes to mind. Also known as Doberman Pinschers, these dogs offer obedience, loyalty and affection to the dog owner who has the time and love to care for this…

Top 10 Dog Training Books

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. I love to read, but when I walk into a bookstore I sometimes I find it difficult to select the best book for my specific topic. Below I have compiled a list of the Top 10 Dog Training Books, I hope it…

Pet Key Family of Services

At Greenfield Puppies, we are constantly striving to provide you with solutions that help you to have a happier, healthier, and safer pet. Our affiliation with the Pet Key Family of Services is a great way for us to give you some of the necessary things needed for your new…

Introducing your New Puppy to your Old Dog

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, we appreciate you visiting us. Today I want to talk about introducing a new puppy into a home with an existing Alpha Dog. If you own a dog and are considering getting another one, then you must remain aware of the situations that…

The Animal Planet Puppy Training and Care Guide

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Moving forward we are trying to provide you with advice and information on Dog related products, to help you to make wise decisions on what products you purchase for your dog. A great addition to your dog library, The Animal Planet Puppy Training…

How Do I Crate Train My Puppy?

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog! Today we are going to talk about how to crate train your puppy, a widely used method of housebreaking your dog. Crate training your puppy is a good idea for a number of reasons, one of which being his or her safety….

How to take your Dog’s Picture

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. One of the most enjoyable, yet most challenging things is trying to get good photos of your pet. I own 2 dogs and a cat currently, and they all react differently when I try to take a photo of them. My large…

Dog Clicker Training

Welcome back to one of the Internets best providers of Puppies for Sale. Today I would like to pass along some information on the Dog Clicker Training. We all have heard of many methods used to train dogs. I have heard of people using the old fashioned voice and hand…

How Smart Is My Dog?

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what breed of dog is the most intelligent. I have actually heard people argue about the subject, but the fact is that all breeds are trainable. But you also have to consider what you intend to do with the puppy you are…

Why does my dog chew on things?!

If you own a dog then you fully understand the fact that your puppy/dog is going to chew things, but keeping them from chewing up your $50 pair of shoes is very important. I ,for instance, have never owned a dog I didn’t have to discourage from chewing things they should…

Training Your Puppy To Respect You

I love puppies, and I love to show them a ridiculous amount of love and attention, but at what point do you over stimulate your pet? Every puppy needs praise and love, but much like a child, if you only praise and love, and never command respect, your dog will…

Kaye Ames School for Dogs

Being that we are a leading provider of Puppies for sale in PA, I would like to recognize a true asset in the Dog Obedience Training field. Kay Ames has been training dogs since 1962. In Lancaster, she is a household name for any dog lover, and is well known…