Pet Dental Health Month

Your pet’s dental health can affect the rest of their body if not treated properly. Taking care of your pooch or kitten’s oral health can keep them happy and healthy for years to come. Here are a few ways to keep your pet’s teeth healthy. Brush ‘em It may not…

Care Tips For Ba-Shar Puppies

Many people rear dogs in their homes. Some do it because they want to reinforce security while others, it is purely a hobby. Therefore, it is important that the best breed is chosen. Ba-Shar puppies are increasingly becoming the preferred choice for many people. This is because it is a…

Dog Hygiene

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, and as always thanks for reading. What are the steps and time investment needed to keep your dog’s hygiene where you want it to be? Well, that depends on how in depth you want to be. Below I will address most of…

Why Does My Dog Shed?

It’s a pretty common question, isn’t it? Why do dogs shed and when does it happen, it it worse in a certain season? From the moment we hit go, we pull out the lint brush and expect the worst, but we can help our canine companions to shed a little…