Bugg Puppies

Bugg puppies make wonderful pets and are rapidly becoming a favorite for families all across the country. A cross between a Pug and Boston Terrier, Buggs are generally noted for their petite size, short, fine hair, adorable facial features and gentle yet playful temperaments. Personality As a puppy, your Bugg…

Care Tips For Ba-Shar Puppies

Many people rear dogs in their homes. Some do it because they want to reinforce security while others, it is purely a hobby. Therefore, it is important that the best breed is chosen. Ba-Shar puppies are increasingly becoming the preferred choice for many people. This is because it is a…

Anatolian Shepherd Puppies

Thought to have originated in the Anatolia region of Turkey, the Anatolian Shepherd is a strong, hardy dog with excellent hearing and vision that contributes to its ability to guard livestock from predators. Agile and speedy, the Anatolian Shepherd is not a herding dog but a smart, loyal canine that…

American Eskimo Puppies

If you are looking for a beautiful, all white dog who will love, protect and play with you as well as your children if you have any, an American Eskimo puppy may be exactly what you need. They are extremely intelligent and easy to train. They love their family dearly…

Puppy Care Tips For Miniature GoldenDoodles

Dogs have been bred for decades for companionship, as well as to carry out some simple tasks. As a matter of fact, humans have lived with dogs for over 10,000 years. Miniature goldendoodles are cute designer dogs. If you have seen them, you would probably be planning on buying one….

Why Do Some Dogs Slobber More Than Others?

Dog Breeds who Normally Drool Excessively There are some breeds of dogs that are prone to drool more than other breeds of dogs. Dogs that have large hanging loose lips and jowls are likely to drool a good deal more than other breeds of dogs. Some of these breeds are…

5 Most Popular Show Dogs

If you are trying to find the right dog, you may want to go with a show dog. This is why it is helpful to understand what the five most popular show dog breeds are so you can have a better understanding of what to go with. These stats are…

The Cane Corso Breed

Nothing gives your home a more complete feeling than having a pet; and if you are among those who like classic dog breeds one of the obvious choices is the Cane Corso Puppy. This dog is make an attractive addition to your family and has a history of hard work,…

Shih-Tzu – The “Little Lion”

Despite the term “chrysanthemum dog” which is an American mistranslation for this dog breed’s cute looks,  Shih Tzu in Mandarin Chinese directly translates to “lion.” The breed folklore contends that associating to stories of Buddhist mythology, Tibetan lamas bred the Shih Tzu as miniature lion replica. The Americanized name derives…

The Saint Bernard

Thanks to Edwin Landseer, the world envisions a Saint Bernard with a miniature keg of brandy around its neck, off to rescue a lost, weary traveler. The painting he did in 1819 while visiting Switzerland stereotyped the dog breed endeared it with the public and was even somewhat true; certainly…

Samoyed – Strong But Gentle

The Samoyed dog breed is a strong but gentle and outgoing, lovable dog that loves others, including people and even cats. Well, the cats and other household pets statement is best backed up when the Samoyed is raised with other pets, but they are a very affectionate animal that is adaptable to…

West Highland White Terrier

The history and origins of the West Highland White Terrier begin when Colonel Edward Donald Malcolm of Scotland, sadly lost one of his reddish colored dogs to a hunting accident, shot when it was mistaken for a fox. Legend tells that Malcolm decided right then and there to breed white…