What You DIDN’T Know About Beagles!

Beagles: More than just a dog on a red dog house. Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the U.S. because they are sweet, friendly, and loyal to their family. They are always happy to play, go for a hike, or even an early morning hunt. There are…

Three Little Known Facts About Beagles

  What you may not know about your best friend. Beagles: More than just a dog on a red dog house. Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the U.S. because they are sweet, friendly, and loyal to their family. They are always happy to play, go for…

Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions

Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions Before adopting a new companion, you should always consider what time you have to devote to a new family member, what activities you will want or be able to have them participate in, and how you will be able to include them in your…

Top Dog Breeds For Hiking and the Outdoors

Top 5 Dog Breeds for Hiking German Shepherd German Shepherds are incredibly intelligent and well-behaved dogs. While hiking they will be more than courteous to your fellow hikers and more than happy to stay close to you on the trail. If allowed to go off the leash, however, they can…

Why is the Beagle a Sought-After Hunting Dog?

The Hunting Dog Most purebreds are known for the particular traits that they were bred for, with a wide variety of traits having been in the minds of breeders over the centuries. In some cases, they were seeking simple strength, speed, or intelligence – and certainly these are qualities that every…

Your Beagle and Your Responsibilities

Beagles are not just iconic – they’re adorable. They’re a great choice for a breed for your home, but they aren’t all fun and play; you also have to care for them! Beagles require special care and looking after, just like with any breed, and they have their own set…

Cartoon Reality: How Snoopy Is Like A Real Beagle

Marmaduke, Garfield, Heathcliff, Scooby Doo and (of course) Snoopy…there’s a seemingly endless list of cartoon animals who have human or semi-human characteristics but, in reality, demonstrate characteristics of the very animal type they are a caricature of. What’s fun about these characters is that they are basically exaggerations of those…

A Brief History of the Beagle

Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of walking a beagle will know why the breed has gained the nickname Four Legs and a Nose. Beagles rarely lift their noses from the ground, so intent are they on smelling everything on the route. Originally bred as hunters, Beagles belong to…

Training Your Beagle

Beagles were once bred for hunting and are still found at the side of hunters, but they are also affectionate family pets. Due to the fact that beagles were once bred primarily for hunting, they have a loud howl and can get into trouble if they are not trained appropriately….

Caring For Beagle Puppies

Understanding Your Beagle Puppy Known for their gentle, sweet, tolerant, and loving temperament, beagles are also social, intelligent, and brave dogs that are great with kids. While their natural habitat is outdoors, they still make excellent indoors pets but must be taken for daily long walks and need proper exercise….

Caring For Your Beagle Puppy

Beagle Puppies can be a great addition to your family. They are very friendly and social and are a good choice for your family if you have young children. Beagles do need to be exercised on a regular basis, so you should only get one if you have time to…