Ship From GFP

Panda - St. BernardHuman Name:
Robert AmatroneWhere Puppy Went:
San Francisco, CaliforniaDate Shipped:
November 2, 2011
Fortune - Bich-pooHuman Name:
Misty DanyWhere Puppy Went:
Mobile, AlabamaDate Shipped:
October 26, 2011
Patrick - St. BernardHuman Name:
Laurie ForanWhere Puppy Went:
Boston, MassachusettsDate Shipped:
October 21, 2011
Jackson - English MastiffHuman Name:
Lourdes MorvantWhere Puppy Went:
Houston, TexasDate Shipped:
October 21, 2011
Remington's Thunder - RottweilerHuman Name:
David & Jacqueline SmithWhere Puppy Went:
Boston, MassachusettsDate Shipped:
October 14, 2011
Franklin - Welsh Corgi MixHuman Name:
Eric EvelandWhere Puppy Went:
Portland, OregonDate Shipped:
October 12, 2011Good morning!
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. Puppy is doing very well. We named him Fawkes, and he is an absolute joy.As for a shipping testimonial, I have to say I am very impressed. First of all, Fawkes was sent with all of his paperwork, even a record of what food he had been eating. He had obviously been well cared for all of his life and I very much appreciate that. When we picked him up from the airport, he was a little unsure and shaky (he had flown from Pennsylvania to Oregon). He acclimated fairly quickly though, for making such a big adjustment. Both the breeders and the shippers were interested in how our puppy was growing and how he had handled his transition, and it makes me happy to know that Fawkes came from such good people. I am happy to report that he is very healthy, very playful, and very much loved.
Thank you! I can’t even tell you how much laughter has come into our home with this puppy. He is a wonderful blessing.

Sarge- Golden RetrieverHuman Name:
Lori PaquetteWhere Puppy Went:
Denver, ColoradoDate Shipped:
September 29, 2011
Firefly - BoxerHuman Name:
Sara GahmWhere Puppy Went:
Chicago, IllinoisDate Shipped:
September 1, 2011
Braxton - Golden RetrieverHuman Name:
Anna FiorelloWhere Puppy Went:
Norfolk, VirginiaDate Shipped:
September 1, 2011I saw Kim’s picture for the first time on line. It was love at first sight. He was in Pennsylvania and I – in Virginia. There was no way I could go pick him up by my self so I had to get him shipped. It was few days before hurricane Irene so all airports had changes which dialed my puppy’s arrival. Shawn was very helpful and kept me updated the whole time. When Kim was finally shipped I was able to track his flight on line. Greenfield puppies just made it so easy for me to get my new baby home. Now Kim is a member of our Family. He has already became friends with my 4-year old son and the cat. He is happy, healthy and growing really fast. Thank you Greenfield Puppies for delivering us this bundle of joy.