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Shih-Poo Breed Review by kim
Excellent, easy train, loyal. Best ever.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Carmenita
A boy hus name is Buster well behaved from day one. He's 7 years old
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Edieliton Santos
Wonderful Breed for children and adults alike!!
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Susan McFarland
We had a Shih-poo that was a great dog for almost 11 years. We are looking for another. We will be in your PA area on Monday morning. Please contact me.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Brenda Haas
My daughter and I have twins - her the boy, me the girl. They are absolute dolls. She is a little more - in your face, but wants just to be petted; he's a laid back little fella and wants to cuddle. Only danger is being licked to death by either of them.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by randy perillo
Are they good family dogs/ do they shed alot
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Joe Crozier
Bogey is the best little dog we have ever owned. He is gentle loves children and other dogs cookies and treats! He loves his mom and dad and is a treat and a pleasure to have by your side. He is very intelligent travels in his kennel in the back seat to Florida and back without even a whimper. He is a fantastic all around companion.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Dale Cells
I just lost my male Shih-Poo after 13 years and 3 months. He was the most caring loving dog i have ever had. He was my little buddy, always needed to be by my side, work around the yard, go for a ride and he was very laid back. Barked vary rarely and was the king of his domain. I would recommend this breed to anyone. I will miss him until the day i die.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Susie
I got this breed, and it is probably one of my favorites. It so loyal and loving. But, it they are also very playful and fun. They are great family pets, I love mine so much
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Dolores Yerger
Most loyal pet we ever had. He was playful till the end. He was 14 when he died. Miss him!!
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Kimberly Thomas
My Shihpoo Kay\'See is adorable. She loves shoes, socks, tissue and outdoors. Once she goes out, get ready to run because she will not come to you, she will go around in circles but once I get her, she knows she\'s in trouble for having me running (in her head she\'s like I\'m getting my exercise mommy and you need to get yours of course I have my inhaler) but I will not take nothing for her. She loves to get her tummy rub, don\'t like getting a bath but she\'s a good girl. We got her in June, got all her shots, she loves getting her teeth brushed also. I would love for her to have puppies one day but don\'t know what to breed her with.
Shih-Poo Breed Review by Pauline Mufalli
The best dog I have ever had. She (Mindy) was a rescue and I had her for 15 years. While she was not the brightest light bulb in the pack, she was the most loving. I miss her tremendously and will never get another breed. I loved the poodle in her because there was no shedding. The Shih Tzu was her loving nature and the beautiful under-bite.