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Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by A. Alfred
I recently brought home a Sheltie/Chihuahua/Blue Heeler mix. She's a wonderful little thing at 11 weeks she's 8.2lbs, plays nicely by herself, well on her way to being crate and potty trained. Very quiet unless in play mode (then you see the hearding instinct come out when playing with other dogs) in which case she can be pretty annoying. As fas as we can tell, no shedding (but she is a short hair) but she does have some dandruff. I know every dog is different but I would definitely reccomend a Sheltie mix. The only gamble with a mix is not knowing for sure how big she'll get.
Shetland Sheepdog Mix Breed Review by RYLEE SWANSON
a male shetland mix puppy