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Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by KAREN
we have a lab,rottie mix
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Rebekah
My family and I adopted a puppy from this website. Fawkes is now about 4 months old. He has been the easiest to train! We've had many large breed dogs in the past. He has only had 2 accidents in the house. He's so gentle with our five children. I realize that all mixes are different so take that into consideration when you go by reviews here. Our inly negative with Fawkes so far is since he was born on an Amish farm he's scared of pretty much everything. We're working on it! He's so smart and learns fast! Fawkes is a rottie and great pyr mix.
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Nickie
I had a Rottweiler Rhodesian Ridgeback mix He was fantastic, smart loyal and intelligent, easy to train. Great guard dog when need but friendly with everyone, unless need to show otherwise.
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Abby
I own a Rottweiler/Geeman shepherd. Smart, loving, and loves to play
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Kelsey
I like this Web site because u can use it to find a capanoion
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Mars
I raised my boy from six months....He was a Rott/Shep mix with the perfect mix of both...His heaviest for 125 however he was pure muscle. Very obedient but could be stubborn. He loved to swim...maybe the only other activity he loved more was getting his belly rubbed. Gentle and extremely protective of his area which pretty much was anything he thought was his. Easily trained but the Owner must be consistent with no time off because at the moment he isnt learning or practicing what he has learned, he is going to try the boundaries. Overall...i dont think i ever want another dog breed EVER
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Michelle
I had a rottie shephard mix and I loved him and want another sooooo bad. He lived to be 13 and was the most lovable dog I ever had. I got him when he was 1 1/2 years old and he was the smartest dog ever and loved other animals. He was huge but insisted he could fit under small furniture. lol loved him and some day I will have another.
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Larry
I've a Lab-Rotty mix female. An absolutely adorable dog. Raised with my granddaughters from their age 6 mos to 3 years then adopted by me due to apartment rules. The most loving friend I've ever had! Loves kids and other dogs.
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by peggy montano
they are very good dogs and firendy loveing dogs i had a mix breed with pitbull.
Rottweiler Mix Breed Review by Mark Sherrill
My dogs name was Amos and was 16 when he passed this spring. The absolute "Best" dog I\'ve ever had...:-)