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Rotterman Breed Review by NEcco John Ortiz
how to proper care of my puppy
Rotterman Breed Review by Linda
He was pittbull, rottweiler, doberman mix. The smartest, most loving being I've ever known. Wish I could find a mix like that again.
Rotterman Breed Review by Alta Wooden
he is the most loving dog I have had the breed is great.
Rotterman Breed Review by connie perkins
I've had my rottermann "Nugz"since he was 6 weeks old. He's 6 yes old now. Love love love him. Ears and tail are cropped.he's beautiful.
Rotterman Breed Review by Jean Marie Keller
I have an 8 year old "rotterman." I had a friend who was dog sitting for her boyfriend's daughter's female rottie and they owned a male doberman at the time. Well, soon there were 6 puppies. I took the runt home with me. She is an awesome dog. I own 2 full blooded rotties and I will take another like her any day. She has been great with our grandkids, cats, and ferret. I had an extremely easy time training her. She is my girl!