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Pug Breed Review by Jonathan Wagner
Excellent for temperament and compatibility
Pug Breed Review by Linda
They are great dogs that are just the right size. We have a fawn and a black one. They are smart and mine were easy to train. Very sweet and funny to watch.
Pug Breed Review by Virginia. Weiser
I bought a 4 month old male fawn pug he will be turning three this year he is my joy he is very well trained. He loves all animal he buddies are Bassett hounds. I can't image life without him .
Pug Breed Review by angela
they are great dogs! full of personality and alot of fun to own. they are the right one for whoever wants a small dog full of love.
Pug Breed Review by Marie Salas
I have owned a pug for the past 12 years and continue to do so. Not only is this a very intelligent and sweet dog. They are very loyal and are great companions. My pug follows me all over the house. He enjoys anyone who comes to visit. He is extremely sociable. Satchmo enjoys going for car rides. He has a very good disposition with kids and other pets, he even likes cats. Pugs are very trainable and learn quickly, they enjoy pleasing their owner. I would buy a pug over and over again. As a matter of fact, I am in the market for another pug to keep Satchmo company.
Pug Breed Review by Lynne
I owned two little girls for 16 and 15 wonderful years
Pug Breed Review by Misty
I am in love with the pug breed. They have the best personalities of any dog I've ever owned. They are extremely great with children. Most other animals. And are very loyal . They do shed alot, and sometimes are hard to train, however they are the best breed out there! :)
Pug Breed Review by Heather
Pugs are true family dogs and love small children. They are very loyal but can at times be stubborn (so be sure to train them at a young age).
Pug Breed Review by Susan Krick
Through my life I have had as dogchildren, Boxers, an English Bulldog, French Bulldogs, & Pugs. All had lived a loving life as a family member. I have been blessed with all my doggies living 11 to 15 years.
Pug Breed Review by alyssa williams
it so cute fluffy!!!!!
Pug Breed Review by sonia
whats its name but i'm really interested in her or him
Pug Breed Review by Haddie
These dogs are amazing companions! Mine is no longer with me and I miss her every single day.
Pug Breed Review by Geoffrey ellis
About a year ago r family purchased an all black pug which was my first small dog. He was such a fun playful loving dog that my kids instead we get him a friend .so after much begging I gave in and we bought a tan pug who was just as great as the first . These dogs are great with kids they are very playful and funny smart animals, other nice thing about them is they do not run around like maniacs all the time if u want t relax and watch TV they love to snuggle up next to u they are great c OK companies and loving member of the family !!!
Pug Breed Review by Ken Myers
Most loving dog I have ever seen. Very smart. I have owned two pugs in the last 12 years and the both of them captured my heart. Very high maintenance, you must read about and understand the breed (Please). You must understand that they are people (family) oriented. The most important is hot humid conditions and extreme cold. The little one can\'t survive in either. Always treat them as you would treat your own children and they will be fine.