Australian Shepherd-Miniature Puppy Reviews
There are 4 reviews for this breed.
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There are 4 reviews for this breed.
Australian Shepherd-Miniature Breed Review by HJ Test
Australian Shepherd-Miniature Breed Review by Samuel Stoltzfus
I love this breed!!! I have 1 and she is awesome!! She is full of energy and loves to chase our sheep. Very smart.
Australian Shepherd-Miniature Breed Review by Kailey
I love my mini aussie more than anything. My boyfriend and I have had him for about a month now and he already knows how to sit, lay down, paw & other paw, dance, roll over and play dead! He loves to learn and is super smart. I\'d say he was about 80% house trained by only 10 weeks old. Great dogs! I reccomend them to anybody who has time to give their dog as much attention as possible because they absolutely love their owners and all they want is to be with you 24/7
Australian Shepherd-Miniature Breed Review by Kaitlynn and Troy
We have 2 miniature Australian Shepherds. A black tri named Maya and a blue merle named Sydney. This breed is so fun and dull of personality. They are so smart and we talk to them like they are people because they seem too smart to talk to them like dogs. Anyone who gets this breed will NOT be disappointed but pleasantly surprised!