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Keeshond Breed Review by Steve M
They are the best!
Keeshond Breed Review by gabrielle
amazing dog but could be better
Keeshond Breed Review by don keer
Keesha is my second Kees. She is gentle and very smart. Loves children. Easy to housebreak and doesn't climb on furniture. a good watchdog.
Keeshond Breed Review by Karen Brown
My Kees was almost 16 when she passed. She was loving and loyal. My family adored her!
Keeshond Breed Review by denise lines
My keeshond lived to 19years old an she was loved so much by the famj ily plus a great guard dog samatha of dion was her name but we called her samatha,
Keeshond Breed Review by Mike n Cindy
We have had our Turbo for 8 years and cannot image our life without him. He is kind gentle loving active and I could go on and on... We rescued him from SPCA You will love this breed. Turbo is about 38 lbs a bit smaller than usual. We feel we were blessed when he joined our family
Keeshond Breed Review by Barbara Booth
We had a male and female and loved them. They love BOATS and being on them.
Keeshond Breed Review by Brenda Ann Huff
The Keeshond is the most loving & loyal breed out there!! I would recommend the type of dog to any loving family.