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Japanese Chin Breed Review by Jacob Kauffman
Had a little 8 month old chin/chihuahua and she was extraordinary in everything she was. Intelligent, extra ease using her hands and fingers. That howl was magnificent. And the acting kinda cat-like in mannerisms. Lost her to a tragedy of errors. Heartbroken and a bit empty where her love was.
Japanese Chin Breed Review by Debbie Weasenforth
I would never own another kind of dog. This little dog is compassionate, faithful to its owner, lap dog, cat like qualities, spins circles to "show off", an absolute sweetheart. So well behaved and well mannered.
Japanese Chin Breed Review by Karen
My chin is the love of our lives. He loves shopping with me and stays nicely in the shopping cart. The only discipline I need to give to my dog is "no". I truly believe he's part cat. Chins are the only breed I'll ever own
Japanese Chin Breed Review by Chris Jackson
I currently have a 5yr old little boy and am searching for another . He is the best dog i've ever owned, loving, bright, funny, well behaved. please contact me if you have any chin puppies
Japanese Chin Breed Review by Lola heart
Cool pup look a like a very calm and friendly how much
Japanese Chin Breed Review by marcella mallette
I love my chin. I just lost him and want another one, but health issues have my somewhat fearful. He had a seizure disorder and valvular heart disease with pulmonary hypertension. He was truly my buddy and my love.
Japanese Chin Breed Review by Hope
I grew up with this breed, Her name was Micky. She was very loveable and playful. She would always lay at the top of the bed, on a pillow behind your head. And when on the couch she would lay on the top behind you. I remember waking up for school, and she would actually lick me awake when it was time to get up. And when I would cover my face with the covers, she would paw at them and bark, making digging movements to get to me. She was very loveable. And Obedient. She would play fetch every now and then. They are a one person dog, but at the same time love everyone as well in the family. They just grow a special connection with their actual owner. She was a little snippy when it came to new people and children. She would snip at them if they tried to pick her up, but never actually bit anyone. Just warnings you could say. She lived to be 18, There were some health issues, she did have cysts at a older age, the vet said they weren\'t life threatening after tests but getting a surgery could be. And she also had gone death and blind in her old age. Eventually we had to put her done to a stroke. But all of this didn\'t happen until she was 16. So for the most part she was a healthy dog for a majority of her life. This breed really left a mark on me, seeing as I have had many different dogs growing up. Still when ever I or family talk about her we can\'t help but cry because we miss her so much. I would def suggest this breed to anyone looking to buy a dog that they will defenite grow a forever bond with.