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Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Susan
I own a Jack Russel Terrier, and I have had no trouble training him at all. He can now sit, shake, roll over, speak, stay, and beg. He is such a good dog. He is very adorable and lovable. If you are looking for a cute lap-dog, this is the one to definitely buy.
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by nellie
i have a 13 yr old jack Russell terror purebred and i want him to like other dog which is another jack Russell terror who is 11wks old who would they react towards eachother
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Robert Sprague
Awesome best friends they are more than willing to try anything ! They love to be with you at all times and are the perfect size to take with you wherever.excellent buddies !! :-)
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Omar
I love my Luna ,she is my 3 months old JRT,she is beautiful, smooth coat ,mix between brown and white ,she is very very smart ,funny and sweet ...best dog in the world I can play ball with her ,go for little walks ... just run in the house or even sit and watch TV longs she has chew to enjoy...she sleeps really well ......can wait for her to get little bit older and do bigger stuff ,I'm very very lucky with my puppy ...thanks to Annie King and "Greenfield puppies
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Alana
Best dogs ever!! Full of life, ENERGY, and love!
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Alana Lum
Best dogs ever!! Very intelligent! Need alot of love and time spent with them. Very loving, and funny!!
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Alana Lum
I owned 2 jacks, they lived to be almost 16, and 16 1/2. They are the BEST dogs in the world!!! They are highly intelligent, and very loyal! You must spend alot of time with them, and they will love you sooooooooooo very much!
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Deb Whaley
Very good
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Tatyana Edwards
You need to be an active person to take care of these dogs. They love the outdoors. Jack Russells are such a fun breed of dog. They love swimming, kayaking, and hiking. Your little Buddy will keep up with what ever activity you choose. It's very hard to tire these guys out. Even after an all day hike, once they rest their paws for a bit, they are ready to keep on going. They are forever happy. All day, every day, just a happy dog.
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by debbie
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Cat
Double Super! Jake is the best puppy ever! Jack Russell!
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by Nicole Hardiman
I ( We) Had Two Jack Russell Terriers puppies before and we had to put one down And the other one passed away at home!!!!!! :-(
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by leslie hoffman
I have a Jack Russell Terrier who just turned 16 years old on May 27.He has been my best friend . I love him dearly.
Jack Russell Terrier Breed Review by howard
bought my JR from greenfield here. best decision i ever made. she is the best dog i could ask for. housetrained fast, intelligent, sweet disposition, and great family companion.