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Great Pyrenees Mix Breed Review by Elizabeth
It is a really cute dog breed and playful to
Great Pyrenees Mix Breed Review by Don craig
We have a great pyrenees and australian shepherd. A very smart, sweet dog.
Great Pyrenees Mix Breed Review by Ernest Griffin
Love them
Great Pyrenees Mix Breed Review by Stephanie
I have had Wally, a Pyrenees/Golden Retriver mix for almost 11 years. He is the joy of my life and of everyone he meets! Fantastic temperment, but loves to wander off to "check the invisible perimeter". Hates to be left alone, but hasn't done anything since he was a puppy to let you know. He is one of the most beloved dogs we have ever had...even since I was a child. Don't bother getting one, unless you don't mind hair and trying to keep up with grooming that coat...it's not a daily thing, but certainly a weekly thing. I can't say enough about them, they are truely great dogs!
Great Pyrenees Mix Breed Review by Kat
I have a great Pyrenees/Labradoodle mix, Sally, and she is the best! I love Sally!