Goldendoodle Dog Breed Information
Owner Experience/Trainability
Activity Level
Life Span
The Goldendoodle is bred to be a family dog. The combination of the gentle Golden Retriever and the highly intelligent Poodle make a wonderful companion. It will want a nice yard to frolic about, and will be your child’s best friend. The breed is generally tolerant, playful, and full of personality from day one.
The Goldendoodle is pretty easy to keep happy. Their coats are good protection in the winter months, while they are fairly tolerant to warmer seasons. Just be aware that no pet should be exposed to temperature extremes, either hot or cold. If you have a small apartment, the Goldendoodle may not be the breed for you. It is recommended that this breed has room to move and unwind, as they are very energetic.
Because of the trainability of the Goldendoodle, it is not uncommon to see a first time Doggy Parent choose this breed. The presence of the Poodle make a highly trainable canine, and the Golden Retriever always aims to please. Just be cautious with stern discipline tactics, as the Goldendoodle may have a hard time letting training failure roll off it’s back. Always train with a positive energy using lots of re-enforcement with any breed.
The Goldendoodle is a generally healthy Designer Dog Breed. One thing to look for is the hip health of the Golden Retriever and Poodle parents. Both breeds are susceptible to hip dysplasia, so knowing the hip history of the parents is important.
The Goldendoodle is considered a “brush & run” breed of dog. That means that grooming the Goldendoodle is not a difficult or time consuming task. Give the coat a brush each day, clip the nails once a month, and brush his/her teeth once a week. Bathe the Goldendoodle when needed, but be careful not to over bathe this breed. The Goldendoodle will require lots of blow drying after a bath, and to many baths will rob them of essential oils that help the dog have a healthy coat and skin.
Energetic and jovial is the best way to describe the Goldendoodle. Plenty of playtime and exercise is needed to have a well balanced Canine Companion. A fenced in yard to romp around or regular trips to the Dog park are highly recommended.
A full grown Goldendoodle should be between 20-26 inches in height at the the shoulder, and weigh between 40 and 90 pounds. Size is greatly determined by the size of the parents.
The lifespan of the Goldendoodle is between 10-15 years