Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
German Shepherd Breed Review by Dianna DeWitt
I have had German Shelherds all my life and not only are they highly intelligent but very protect and loyal. I will never go with another breed.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Stephanie
German shepherds are great dogs and with little training they catch on to many tricks and learn how to walk on a leash properly they are very protective of the family and angels to their family they are loyal,incredible,and smart dogs I highly recommend them they also are vary active and needs lots of exercise
German Shepherd Breed Review by Sam Grewal
i had a German Shepard for 13 years, he just passed away last week, German Shepard is a awesome dog, very handsome,strong,loyal,fearless,protective and above all very very intelligent dog,during the age between four months to a year they learn almost everything you teach, just have to be a patient while teaching but they learn faster than most other breeds.They shed lot of hairs but if you brush them twice a week then you wont see much shedding . I suggest German Shepard strongly because they make better family pet than any other breed.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Dena Jones
Amazing breed,quick learner dedicated
German Shepherd Breed Review by Ron
Very intelligent dog's,great companion, very protective of leader.Needs groomed weekly.On the road to pick up our Great companion dogs, very protective of the family,great with little kids ,very intelligent,almost like they are trying to figure out what you are thinking.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Brian Anderson
Have 2 white ones I can't imagine life without them they are so in tune with people and understand a lot more than most dogs their loving nature matches their smarts and will always be up for an adventure my one tries to talk back when you speak to her it's hilarious to see she looks u in the eyes when u speak like she's really paying attention to every word haha no breed is better
German Shepherd Breed Review by Tracy
We used this site to find our Jake ...he's 17 month old now. 115 lbs and an absolute love. He's a true blessing to our family.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Kelly
Best breed to have !!
German Shepherd Breed Review by John Montersso
I had German Shepard since I was 8YO. Max passed in2008 and feel tht Zach
German Shepherd Breed Review by darryl a. bailey
German Shepherd Breed Review by Leonard Johnson
are the only dog I own
German Shepherd Breed Review by Victoria
Very Good dog
German Shepherd Breed Review by andrea
loyal dog good guard dog and safe around children and will never turn on you
German Shepherd Breed Review by emmoni white
German Shepherd Breed Review by Amanda
Got a black german shepherd puppy from Chris Fisher 4 weeks ago. The dog I got is beautiful and healthy. Being from NJ I was a little hesitant on searching for a breeder. But I am so happy I took the risk and found a new best friend. Great people and a whole litter of healthy puppies :) Area code is (717)
German Shepherd Breed Review by Renee Raymond
I raised a German Shepherd puppy for an organization and had her for about a 1 & a half. She was the best dog I ever had. I am currently looking to adopt one to keep!
German Shepherd Breed Review by Amanda M.
After weeks of research my boyfriend and I decided on a German Shepherd. We are surprised everyday that he does not chew and has never one gone to the bathroom in he house. we are also surprised that he continues to learn new things and is very well mannered. He is extremely well tempered with our patients ( I am a paramedic and he is a fireman), with hopes of turning him into a service dog on our local ambulance. WE could not have chosen a better dog or a better breeder, we recommend this site to all of our friends that are looking for puppy.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Karen Creamer
GSD are strong - willed active dogs and they take a strong, yet loving owner. If you can hang in there and put in the time and the training, you will have a loyal, loving, and intelligent lifetime companion. You will get back so much more than you can possibly imagine!
German Shepherd Breed Review by dylan rodrigues
I love my puppy that i bought in nov. Hes great smart amd loyal. But if i could rate breeder it wasnt 1 star. He had no knowledge of health issues and said the puppy had no worms but when i got him checked he had round worm. Amd the vet he used was unreliable
German Shepherd Breed Review by Lauren Edwards
Best dogs ever!
German Shepherd Breed Review by sophia
German shepherds are very loyal. They are caring and aggressive(in a good way)
German Shepherd Breed Review by sophia
German shepherds are very loyal. They are caring and aggressive(in a good way)
German Shepherd Breed Review by Barbara laughman
By far the best companion I've ever had. Can't beat the loyalty and intelligence these dogs offer.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Karin Cassidy
For me, German Shepherd, is the best Companien, you can wish for. German Shepherd learn's and understand fast. He is a wunderful Familydog.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Elwood Clingan
german shepherds are a very powerful dog they obey very well and are easy to train but you must let them know who is in charge for there respect this is a must for this dog
German Shepherd Breed Review by Louie
The most loyal dog in the world
German Shepherd Breed Review by Heather Field
Yes I had female for sixteen yrs I presently have amale GS Lab mix
German Shepherd Breed Review by Josh PB
Best Dog ever! Loyal , intelligent, excellent companion dog
German Shepherd Breed Review by Cheryl
Great dog all around! But you must train all the time and be a true companion!
German Shepherd Breed Review by Steven
I purchased my beautiful black German Shepherd ( Tara as known on the site , still in the database ) from donna. I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to have found the love of my life, thanks Donna ! She is truly a blessing. Her temperament is so submissive it's unbelievable. My family owns two miniature poodles as well, and those two little poodles eat and drink out of her bowls and even boss my loveable 80 pound German Shepherd around and all she does is lower her ears and allow those little ones to do it. If you're looking for a loveable active dog to add to your family I recommend a German Shepherd from greenfield puppies 100 percent. My puppy loves to play fetch and play ball all day everyday so be prepared to give your dog the attention it needs , these dogs are trained to be k9 dogs after all so keep that in mind. Words cannot possibly begin to express how thankful I am to donna and greenfield puppies for connecting me with my life long friend, I am forever grateful. Thank you so, so, much. - steven
German Shepherd Breed Review by jessica yerger
i love this dog it is so cute i want to know if any one can hold one for me.
German Shepherd Breed Review by John Saunders
I just got my second GSD as I felt my 4 year old would love a buddy to replace his brother Golden that passed last year. I definitely recommend getting one that is young as they will bond with you quickly and I find its the easiest to train from a very young age, reinforcing all training as they grow. I socialized Augustus from the start at 8 weeks, taking him to festivals, socials, and family and family get togethers. I encouraged my friends, family, and strangers to pet him all over, pick his paws up, and just be personal. This is the best way to make your shepherd comfortable with others and makes for a better friendly face in public and your home. I live in a townhouse, with not much of a back yard, so we visit a bunch of parks a few times through the week to keep him active. Additionally, walks are a must if you don\'t have a big yard, but even if you do, walks are a great way for them to interact with other people, dogs, and just be able to see and hear sounds like cars passing, so they don\'t chase or bark unnecessarily. Bottom-line, GSDs are great friends and an excellent choice. If you are new to a GSD or on the fence, I would tell you to do some reading but don\'t be discouraged by what some folks say about having to have a huge back yard and a huge home. I\'ve found that at the end of the day, you (human) having a fun and relaxed character and the will to do you pet right will go a long way. I find that Augustus mirrors my own personality and is very comfortable and relaxed in an array or circumstances and companies.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Hshshshsh
Awesome dogs
German Shepherd Breed Review by Dana Schll
Excellent, intelligent, and loyal dogs.
German Shepherd Breed Review by sandra Bash
the best dog you can possibly own my Shepard schultz is the best dog so smart everyday he amazes me with the things he does i will never own any other breed
German Shepherd Breed Review by Doreen Baldridge
Great stud. Kebow Von der bleuhaus. Great mom Huyard queen Ronda.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Lori Yarlett
Just want to say that Kebow Von Der Bleuhaus and Huyard Queen Ronda made a great liter of puppy\'s love the German Shepherd breed!
German Shepherd Breed Review by rosa bodine
i currently own a anitolian shepherd and she is the smartest sweetest most lovable pet i have ever owned.She very playful and loyal .Not only is she my best friend but shes a member of our family.This is why my family and I have decided to get another Shepherd
German Shepherd Breed Review by Dave
We have had Jessie for 10 months and find her extremely active, inquisitive, intelligent playful and smart. A GSD will keep you on your toes and give you no peace. They are always up to something.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Mary guiffredo
We have 2 and are looking to add a female puppy
German Shepherd Breed Review by Angelia
yes love them also love training them.
German Shepherd Breed Review by Shara Stepen
I want one so bad! I have the perfect lifestyle for these dogs. I jog, hike, bike, and enjoy sports. Also, they are so beautiful. :)
German Shepherd Breed Review by carol clark
I love them
German Shepherd Breed Review by Chris Pastella
I just bought a German Shepherd puppy about 5 months ago and to my astonishment I found out he is a King Shepherd generation and he is a monster :) best dog I have owned... Hes great with kids of all ages and is super playful. Just be careful this guy is 7 months old and about 80-85 pounds n hes still got a long time to grow ahead of him, but i will say super protective and very helpful especially once he gets to full size
German Shepherd Breed Review by Austin Cowan
They are all around great dogs. They have a good temperament are great for families; great with kids and other dogs. They listen well if trained and really are one of my favorite breeds to own. They do shed though so if you don\'t like that I wouldn\'t recommend a German shepherd
German Shepherd Breed Review by Randy
I bought a German Shepherd from this website and absolutely adore him. He is now 2 years old, and is the most wonderful dog I have owned. He is super alert and does very well with my kids.