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Doberman Mix Breed Review by Susan
Owned pure breed dobermans 4 of them
Doberman Mix Breed Review by Ambre
I have a doberman/lab right now and he is WONDERFUL. 4 months old and so so so smart and, except for a few regular puppy hiccups, listens every time. He potty trained himself-nobody even worked with him. He learned to shake and "give me other paw" just from watching the other dog.he's a great cuddler and he has so much personality. We love our mater boy :)
Doberman Mix Breed Review by Maureen Morgan
I owned a Dobie Rott mix and absolutely loved him he was the best dog I have EVER had. I always told myself if I found another one I would get one. So please help me find another
Doberman Mix Breed Review by arpit sinngh
so so nothing special
Doberman Mix Breed Review by phil a.
wonderful experience with our Doberman mix. look forward to adding another to our family
Doberman Mix Breed Review by Jo-Anne Chikoski
I have owned a Doberman/Labrador and he was the best dog all round. He did not like cats at all. Great with children and wanted to play all of the time. He was so very intelligent and obedient. I also owned a Doberman/Shepherd female which had the identical nature as the first dog, but this one loved cats. Both dogs loved to swim and be in the water with us all of the time. Everywhere I went, both of these dogs never left my side. They were both true companions. I give these two dogs the highest rating possible.
Doberman Mix Breed Review by joey hunt
Very smart dog.Friendly around other dogs.Loving family dog.
Doberman Mix Breed Review by dori
i have a doberman and i love her so much but she is very big and needs to be taken of many 5 miles walk or runs a day