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Collie Breed Review by Sharon Manfredi
I have had 5 collies in my life and each one was amazing the most loyal and loving breed
Collie Breed Review by Linda Longo
Had two tri collies many years ago
Collie Breed Review by Susan Campbell
Very informative
Collie Breed Review by Maryellen
Had 4 collies very affectionate especially males. Frisky the first 5 yrs but your have a lot of fun.
Collie Breed Review by Steven Reed
I have had a male collie for 8 1/2 years what a great dog ....kids are now gone ...so it's me and him...we started walking 3 miles daily when he was 1 and still do it to this day...thanks to my walking partner I have lost 55 lbs over the years...we are both in great shape...grooming is a cinch ..brush daily for 3 minutes and groom them every 8 to 10 weeks....at 65 we enter about 6 .....5 K races a year ...we walk them...if you want a smart ...energetic ..loving dog...you can't go wrong...
Collie Breed Review by Felicia
Amazing dogs with great energy and personality great with kids
Collie Breed Review by Heidi Ann Francis Randal
I love it
Collie Breed Review by francis kester
yes I had a collie back in 1967 would like to get another collie poppy about 3 or 4 week old
Collie Breed Review by Jayde
My Favorite Breed Of Dog!
Collie Breed Review by Samantha
Excellent dog! My collie is 8 months now and he is just the smartest, well tempered dog I\'ve had. Will definitely be getting collies in the future. Very nice dogs!
Collie Breed Review by WILLIAM BROOKS
A collie is an incredible pet and a true companion I raised 4,and my last one was Wallace who lived to 13.7 years. He was a ti-color. ,and the one that bonded the most. I miss him,and might be looking for another about 8 months.
Collie Breed Review by Debbie Engle
We owned shelties for years but then I wanted to buy a collie after we lost our last sheltie. Her name is Murphy and she is a sable color and just beautiful. She is the most calm and laid back dog ever. She will lay n the yard or just follow us around the house and yard she wants to be wherever we are. She is the best dog ever!! Murphy is loving and very friendly. She stays in the yard and never goes out of it. She loves kids of all ages. I would buy another collie in a minute. Love this breed.