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Cockapoo Breed Review by Julie Zier
Our cockapoo was the runt of the litter and was a delight to have in our family. Was more aloof than cuddly but always wanted to be near us. A great family pet who loved to walk but never once chased a ball. Would adopt a cockapoo again in a heart beat!
Cockapoo Breed Review by Diana
I got a black and white cockapoo puppy. Not only is he nice, but he is SUPER ADORABLE. Though at times cockapoos can get a little worked up, most of the time they are extremely calm.
Cockapoo Breed Review by deborah blaise
I love this breed. Loyal, super smart, gentle, affectionate, and great with children. Just a wonderful dog. No shedding hardly at all.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Verne beckman
Have had Cocker's, Bichon's, Last dog was a Cockapoo, lived 21 years, a wonderful little and lovable companion.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Paula Dantzig
This is a very sweet breed. Not only is it the perfect mix of dogs but they are so nice (but mine barks a little). I have Fiztie and he is the nicest out the the pets I had in my life.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Jason Willett
I absolutely love my cockapoo Marco. He is so intelligent and so well behaved. Training him was very easy.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Ruel stancill
Best dog for old people
Cockapoo Breed Review by Karen Kotowski
We owned a male cockapoo for 16 years and he was our baby. The best dog anyone could ever own as a family member. His health began to fail at 16 years and we had to put him down and now it's been almost 2 years and I want another baby cockapoo.
Cockapoo Breed Review by jane
our 6 yr old cockapoo had acute kidney failure and we had to put her down--heartbreaking--is this common?
Cockapoo Breed Review by Alese
Love Love Love....smart and friendly all in one. Undying loyalty to family. Easily social to everyone but remains loyal to family. Loves caring and protecting family. Guard dog tendencies. Doesn't need a lot of exercise. No shedding.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Roseann Long
I had the best dog ever named Ducey...Unfortuately we had to put him down about a month ago. I love and miss him so much and in search for another Cockapoo very soon. He was my best friend and he will never be replaced, however, I have so much love for dogs, especially Cockapoos and am ready to take care and love another one!
Cockapoo Breed Review by Amber
I recently had my Cockapoo pass away and I have nothing but good things to say about her. She was so easy to train and she was so great with my small children. She was gentle and caring but protective also. I am looking for another Cockapoo for my daughter since ours was taken from us so unexpectantly.
Cockapoo Breed Review by YES
Cockapoos are very very very affectionate, social and fun loving dogs. Very easy to train if you stick to a routine.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Betty
I have a 5 month old female Cockapoo. I have my whole life owned Labradors and decided since I was older I needed a smaller dog. OMG...I love this puppy. Smart, funny, sweet, loves children more than any dog I have ever met and never meets a stranger. I would recommend a Cockapoo to anyone.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Jim Nuckolls
The most intelligent dog I have ever been in the presence of.
Cockapoo Breed Review by Betty
They are wonderful! Everyone should have the joy of having a cockapoo!
Cockapoo Breed Review by Evelyn Fial
Cockapoo Breed Review by brittani
wonderful dog
Cockapoo Breed Review by Riley
They are soo friendly around kids and adults they fit all sorts of personalities. over all a cockapoo is a great pet