Category: Puppy Care

Three Reasons for a Yorkie

When considering what breed of dog is for you, you mustn’t underestimate the toy dog breeds. As little, and as adorable, as they are, they are still brilliant companions who are intelligent, obedient, and immensely enjoyable to have around. In fact, many argue that toy dogs, as a “lap dog”…

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Without a doubt, the most adorable breed of dog is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Few other breeds can inspire such absolute devotion to their cuteness, as exemplified in every culture in which they are brought into dog-owners’ homes! For this reason alone, many families decide to…

What is Luxating Patella, and What Breeds Suffer…

What is Luxating Patella? The breeding programs that various canine breeds have been put through over the centuries have led to a wide variety of dogs that have various specialties and talents, strengths and quirks, but unfortunately these purebreds also suffer from a number of different disabilities, disorders, and challenges…

Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

Why a Toy Poodle?

Why a Toy Poodle? For those who suffer from canine allergies, there is a single directive that is more important than any other when searching for a dog: are they hypoallergenic? Once upon a time, this was hard, if not impossible, to find, but thanks to the miracle of modern…

Choosing the Bernedoodle

Choosing the Bernedoodle We know all about the purebred breeds of old, but what amount the breeds of today? These days our understanding of pedigree and breeding is so in-depth that we no longer create entirely new breeds, but rather seek the take two breeds whose strengths and weaknesses balance…

Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

The Siberian Husky: What’s All the Fuss?

When we talk about Siberia, we are talking about a land that is so renowned for its inhospitable environment that it has become synonymous with the Russian gulag and the concept of life imprisonment and exile, all tied to an icy tundra where only few have truly thrived. This, then,…

What You Should Know About Gum Disease in…

Your dog can seem like it is healthy as a horse, what with its energy, strength, and active lifestyle, but the truth is that it is just as vulnerable to disease and illness as you are; in fact, it is even more vulnerable, as you have the benefit of your…

3 Basic Needs of EVERY Puppy

As a living, breathing animal, your puppy needs a certain amount of help from you to make sure that its needs are met. Sure, an adult dog in the wild can learn to take care of itself and see to its own needs, but puppies need the help of its…

The Golden Retriever: Not Just Any Dog

At first glance, golden retrievers seem like an all-around reliable choice for a dog in your home, but in fact, they are just as unique, as special, and as needy as any other pet. They have their own particular set of quirks and problems, as well as strengths and virtues,…

Five Minutes to Heatstroke: Is It Safe to…

With summer here, the weather is rapidly heating up, and that means we’re going to have to begin changing how we do things. That can include cranking up the A/C, keeping the blinds and curtains closed to save on energy bills, doing your utmost to stay hydrated, among other things….