Category: Miscellaneous

My Love of Animals

 Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. I have been writing blogs and articles online for a number of years now, and I love it. Here at Greenfield Puppies, we not only try to make you aware of Puppies for Sale, but we also want to give you useful info…

Introducing your New Puppy to your Old Dog

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, we appreciate you visiting us. Today I want to talk about introducing a new puppy into a home with an existing Alpha Dog. If you own a dog and are considering getting another one, then you must remain aware of the situations that…

Dog Movies Rule!

I love movies about dogs! There are a few movies for the animal lover that I would watch over and over again. Over the weekend I had a chance to sit down with my daughter and watch the movie K-9 with James Belushi. It also made me think about some…

An Inspiring Dog Story

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog! Once in awhile I am told a story that really touches my heart, and when I hear these I would love to share. This story was sent to me by Samantha Ellder and I want to share it because like me, I…

Woofstock 2011

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. We here at Greenfield Puppies have a genuine love for animals, and while we would love to be the answer for every one’s quest to find a new friend, we also want to be a resource for you in other regards as…

How to take your Dog’s Picture

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. One of the most enjoyable, yet most challenging things is trying to get good photos of your pet. I own 2 dogs and a cat currently, and they all react differently when I try to take a photo of them. My large…

Roxy the Pomeranian

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Normally I would be talking about something informative in my post, but yesterday I experienced something that touched my heart. I was out on my normal 12-1 lunch break and on my way back from picking up my McDonald’s Grilled Chicken salad when I…

Should I Microchip My Dog?

Should I get my dog microchipped? It is a frequently asked question, and as one of the net’s top websites with puppies for sale, we want to give you all of the tools available to help you to protect your dog, and the investment you have made. Have you ever walked…

Designer Mixed Breeds

If you have been searching for puppies for sale, then you have probably come across alot of  the popular designer mixed breeds that are available. These cross-breeds are quite a big deal these days and there are obvious benefits to each. Think about this, if you combine two breeds, wouldn’t…

How Smart Is My Dog?

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what breed of dog is the most intelligent. I have actually heard people argue about the subject, but the fact is that all breeds are trainable. But you also have to consider what you intend to do with the puppy you are…

Can My Dog Swim?

Most people assume that a dog naturally knows how to swim, not true. Certain breeds have a natural knack around water, but they still need to be eased into it in a controlled environment. As you all know by now, I own a Labrador Retriever, a dog that has certain physical gifts (partially…

What Should I Name My Puppy?

So you have decided to buy a new puppy, you have found puppies for sale, and you have picked one out that you are buying. “Oh my goodness! What in the world should I name him?” Finding a suitable name for your furry new friend may be harder than finding…