Category: Miscellaneous

What Credentials Must A Good Service Dog Have?

Service dogs help those with disabilities. We see them help the blind navigate streets safely by stopping them from walking into oncoming traffic, and help them walk safely through buildings or restaurants, or on airplanes. They can help the deaf by alerting them to dangers they can’t hear, or by…

What Dogs are Dangerous?

What are the “Dangerous Dog Breeds“? Would you classify it by the dogs size? Would you classify it by the known stereotypes people have labeled certain breeds with? Maybe the answer lies in what your home owners insurance company will tell you. What if I told you the highest number…

Buying a Puppy in the Information Age

Buying a Puppy in the Information Age   In recent years dog breeding has taken its licks. With the negative press surrounding Puppy Mills and the mistreatment of animals at those types of breeding operations, people have become more and more wary of buying a puppy. The emergence of the…

I have lost control of my Dog!

Does your dog think it runs the show? Is he challenging your authority and being difficult? It is likely that he is still in his “puppy stage” and with all the distractions around him, even a well-trained dog may not always listen. This usually means its time to reassert yourself…

Real American Heroes

Different breeds of canines have been used in combat since the beginning of time. Many breeds even originated because they were needed for war including some of our favorite “gentle giants” like the Mastiff and the Irish Wolfhound. Whether they were toted around for companionship or used on the front…

Making your Home Puppy-Ready

Adopting a puppy will go smoothly if you anticipate and prepare for the coming of that small bundle of joy and energy into your house. However your puppy finds his way into your heart and home, there are a few helpful guidelines that can make the transition easier on all…

Dog Treat Recipe

I came across this great recipe for a holiday dog treat, Enjoy! Dog Christmas Delights Recipe Ingredients 1 cup of whole-wheat flour ½ cup of unbleached all purpose flour ½ cup of graham flour ½ cup of soy flour 1/3 lb of raw chicken livers 2 tablespoons of chicken broth,…

Are my Dogs Playing or Fighting?

It is hard from time to time to tell wether your dog is playing or fighting with a new friend. I take my dog to the dog park, and i always watch closely what the other dogs are doing, even when they are not interacting with my dog. I have…

Should You Dog Lay On Your Bed/Sofa?

I am one of those guys, you know, that lets his dog jump up on the bed or sofa while I am laying on it. And I am not alone, as proof can be found in the marketplace, where accessories abound to help dogs and cats get onto the bed…

A Great Gift Idea for Your Dog!

What does any dog love? What can you do to keep your dog occupied? FOOD is king, and your dog loves special treats. Below I have listed some information on some great food based dog toys that will keep Fido very happy! Kongs:  A Kong is a snowman-shaped rubber toy…

The Improved Greenfield Puppies!

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog! We are pleased to announce that we are almost finished with our most recent site update. We have added some new features that I believe will be exciting to our customers, breeders, and other affiliates as well. I would like to thank Mind Development and…

Best Dog Breeds for kids

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Making a decision on what breed of dog to bring into your family is an important one, especially when considering your children. The criteria for determining which breeds make good companions for children is the same no matter which size dog you…