Category: Dog Safety

Should I Use a Pet Microchip for my…

New pet owners will typically have a choice: To microchip or not to microchip, that is the question.  Oftentimes, today, people who adopt their new pets from a rescue will already have that choice made for them, as a lot of rescues are sending the pups home with a microchip….

5 Symptoms Of Heat Stroke In Dogs

Built with a scarce amount of sweet glands, our canine companions are not manufactured to release heat as quickly as we can; instead, they are built to conserve it. It is this conservation feature that helps keep them warm when the weather changes; however, in the wrong environment their inability…

Veterinary Issues To Expect With Cocker Spaniels

The cocker spaniel has been one of the most popular breeds of pet dog on both sides of the Atlantic for over 100 years. Unfortunately, that popularity lead to very unscrupulous breeding practices which has resulted in some very unhealthy dogs. Although modern breeders try to remove any unhealthy animals…

Buying a Puppy in the Information Age

Buying a Puppy in the Information Age   In recent years dog breeding has taken its licks. With the negative press surrounding Puppy Mills and the mistreatment of animals at those types of breeding operations, people have become more and more wary of buying a puppy. The emergence of the…

3 Reasons Parents Should Use Caution When Getting…

We all know having a dog while your children are young is great. By adopting a companion, kids are able to take on the responsibility, care, and love of having an animal in the home. However, some breeds are often a bit more suited than others to having children around….

Facts About Rottweilers

Rottweiler pups also known as Rott pups are larger than most puppies when they are born. They have beautiful black and reddish brown markings and one of their distinctive features is the stubby tail, similar to that of a bunny rabbit that wags back and forth when he or she…

Cavalier King Charles

Cavalier King Charles is a majestic Spaniel that grows about 13 inches high and has an average weight of about 18 pounds. The size of this dog stays amazingly the same through the life of the animal. This is a dog that has a beautiful coat and attracts many admirers….

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a different style of Terrier. The Boston Terrier has the short build of the regular terriers but without the hair the face is square and it is a little taller than the others. The Boston Terrier is an American dog this doggie can be stubborn and…

Bichon Frize Breed Overview

For the individual or family that are true pet lovers and have a great deal of time and patience, the Bichon Frize could be a perfect fit. This breed requires a great deal of time and attention, but the investment in those areas should prove well worth it. The Bichon…

Am I ready for the Jack Russell Terrier…

You can have nice things, or you can have a Jack Russell Terrier. Pick the Jack. Fun loving, curious, relentless, each one an alpha dog, intelligent, mischievous, not an ounce of back-up in them, cuddly, loving, all true about the Jack Russell breed. Quick History: Parson John Russell bred a…


The Yorkie is a Terrier that reminds you of the cutest rat you can think of. The breed was put in place to catch the pesky little creatures. Only weighing in at 10 pounds these are very little dogs. They only stand a few inches high and are small enough…

English Bulldogs

The English Bulldog was bred in England in the 1500’s for bull baiting, a popular ‘sport’ where dogs had to fight against a chained bull (or bear). These dogs were bred for fighting capacity, and they were famous for latching onto their prey with an iron jaw which they refused…