Category: Dog Humor

What’s Famous Dog Cartoon Character Of Odie Based…

Even though we all know about Garfield’s views on pasta and Mondays, there’s a lot more going on that casual fans may not be aware of. Like how he was the combination many of the cat’s creator Jim Davis owned while growing up. Or that he previously created a strip…

Whatever Happened To Spuds MacKenzie?

Who’s that Bull Terrier on your screen in the sunglasses with the babes at his side? It’s Spuds MacKenzie, of course! He’s the super cool dog who graced the airwaves between 1987 and 1989 as the mascot for Bud Light. If you’re watching him now, you’ve probably popped in an…

Is Your Dog Brian Griffin (i.e. a smart…

So you think your dog is so smart that you wouldn’t be surprised if he started talking or walking on two legs like Brian Griffin? It might be harder than you suspect to find intelligence in dogs, especially when you consider that different breeds are better as some tasks. For…

Funny Animal Videos

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. I found a few more funny animal videos I wanted to share. I hope you enjoyed them, thanks for stopping by!

Funny Videos

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. In this months installment of Dog Humor, we have a prankster playing tricks on unsuspecting pooches, a dog that needs some additional obedience, and a little wrestling action between two good friends. Enjoy the videos! I hope these were as entertaining for…

Dog Humor

I love to laugh, I love jokes, but jokes about dogs, now that makes me laugh. If you are a dog owner, you realize the unlimited laughs that they can provide. I have come across some great Dog Humor, and would like to share some!   The Top 20 Reasons…

Funny Dog Videos

Sometimes the way to brighten an animal lover’s day is to laugh. Here are some great, and funny dog videos I found on YouTube. Also feel free to check out our YouTube page here. Enjoy the videos! This is a great video to just make you laugh out loud! Hope you…