Category: Dog Health

What Credentials Must A Good Service Dog Have?

Service dogs help those with disabilities. We see them help the blind navigate streets safely by stopping them from walking into oncoming traffic, and help them walk safely through buildings or restaurants, or on airplanes. They can help the deaf by alerting them to dangers they can’t hear, or by…

3 Dog Breeds That Make The Best Service…

Uses of Service Dogs Service dogs or guide dogs are often trained to help the blind and deaf get through daily activities. They often are trained to help autistic or developmentally disabled individuals with everyday tasks and provide comfort and companionship at the same time. Some are used to help…

Veterinary Issues To Expect In Poodles

Poodles come in three sizes – Miniature, Toy and Standard. Even though their size differs, their chances of getting certain medical conditions are the same. Responsible breeders screen their stock for genetic diseases but not all poodle breeders bother to do this. Compared to other breeds like the West Highland…

5 Symptoms Of Heat Stroke In Dogs

Built with a scarce amount of sweet glands, our canine companions are not manufactured to release heat as quickly as we can; instead, they are built to conserve it. It is this conservation feature that helps keep them warm when the weather changes; however, in the wrong environment their inability…

Veterinary Issues To Expect With Cocker Spaniels

The cocker spaniel has been one of the most popular breeds of pet dog on both sides of the Atlantic for over 100 years. Unfortunately, that popularity lead to very unscrupulous breeding practices which has resulted in some very unhealthy dogs. Although modern breeders try to remove any unhealthy animals…

Veterinary Issues To Expect From German Shepherds

As one of the most intelligent and hard-working dog breeds available for pet owners, German shepherds are a popular choice for anyone interested in getting a dog. The breeding history of these dogs, however, has led to a number of genetic disorders that may complicate the animal’s health. Here are…

Shih-Tzu – The “Little Lion”

Despite the term “chrysanthemum dog” which is an American mistranslation for this dog breed’s cute looks,  Shih Tzu in Mandarin Chinese directly translates to “lion.” The breed folklore contends that associating to stories of Buddhist mythology, Tibetan lamas bred the Shih Tzu as miniature lion replica. The Americanized name derives…

Silky Terriers – Little Dogs With A Lot…

The Silky Terrier dog is a small breed with a lot to offer.  He does not stand far off the ground at an average of ten inches from the shoulder, but gets high marks in agility, adaptability and aptitude. The average weight is only about ten pounds too, adding to…

The Saint Bernard

Thanks to Edwin Landseer, the world envisions a Saint Bernard with a miniature keg of brandy around its neck, off to rescue a lost, weary traveler. The painting he did in 1819 while visiting Switzerland stereotyped the dog breed endeared it with the public and was even somewhat true; certainly…

Samoyed – Strong But Gentle

The Samoyed dog breed is a strong but gentle and outgoing, lovable dog that loves others, including people and even cats. Well, the cats and other household pets statement is best backed up when the Samoyed is raised with other pets, but they are a very affectionate animal that is adaptable to…

West Highland White Terrier

The history and origins of the West Highland White Terrier begin when Colonel Edward Donald Malcolm of Scotland, sadly lost one of his reddish colored dogs to a hunting accident, shot when it was mistaken for a fox. Legend tells that Malcolm decided right then and there to breed white…

Golden Shepherd Puppies

Golden Shepherd puppies are somewhat like the German Shepherd but a whole new breed. They are a cross between the lovely Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd. Both of these dogs are majestic looking animals and highly intelligent. The loyalty to owners is well known. Care Supplies Golden Shepherd puppies should be…