Category: Dog Health

What Health Problems Will Your Basset Hound Face?

Basset Hound Health Problems   Purebreds are all the rage these days, and basset hounds are no exception. They’re adorable, of course, and intelligent, loyal, and a lovely part of any family. However, like any purebred, they’re also prone to a number of health issues that can make owning them…

Your German Shepherd Puppy and You

Your German Shepherd Puppy Few dogs are as wonderful to have along with you in this crazy journey we call life as a German Shepherd. They are loyal, strong, obedient, intelligent, and highly adaptable. If you are looking for a protector, they fill the role beautifully; if you are looking…

Is There REALLY Such A Thing As Hypoallergenic…

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds The Misconception The idea that hypoallergenic dog breeds exist is certainly attractive—but also misguided. Some breeders tout their dogs as hypoallergenic, but it’s important to know what that really means.  Underneath all of those sweaters your beloved family member is still a canine. All dogs naturally produce…

Why Does Your Dog Shed?

Why Does Your Dog Shed? When you wake up in the morning, you may notice the occasional hair on your pillow. You’re not shedding, however; you’re just losing the occasional hair! Dogs, however, shed quite a bit, and for pretty good reasons. Yes, you both lose hair, but your dog…

The Siberian Husky: What’s All the Fuss?

When we talk about Siberia, we are talking about a land that is so renowned for its inhospitable environment that it has become synonymous with the Russian gulag and the concept of life imprisonment and exile, all tied to an icy tundra where only few have truly thrived. This, then,…

Dogs Who Love The Winter and Snow

Not every dog is perfect for every situation and every environment. Otherwise all dogs would look the same! Instead we have a wide breadth not just of canine physiognomy but also so many breeds they’re almost impossible to count! Consequently, some dogs excel in some climates and seasons, while others…

Protect Your Dog from 3 Winter Hazards

3 Winter Hazards To Be Aware of For Your Dog Dogs love snow; well, most do, anyway. After all, they get to rough around in it, toss and playing and rolling and jumping and running and digging tunnels and holes and more, and then it comes back again all fresh…

Watch for Heartworms in Your Dog

Heartworms and Your Dog’s Health Your dog faces a surprisingly large amount of health issues, ones that you probably never imagined you’d actually have to deal with, but the truth is that your dog is a living organism, one that likes to get into quite a bit of trouble now…

Is the English Bulldog Right for Your Family?

The English bulldog is an absolutely iconic breed. One that many are turning to these days as a breed to bring into their family, but many do so without doing their due diligence as far as research is concerned. As with any purebred dog, it is vital that you understand…

The Story of Rin Tin Tin

Few dogs have as great a reputation, or as storied a past, as Rin Tin Tin. The story goes that near the end of World War 1, U.S. Army corporal Lee Duncan discovered a badly damaged kennel in the French village of Filrey; this kennel had previously supplied the German…

What to Expect From a Boxer Puppy

You got a Boxer: congratulations!  Yet just reading the Wikipedia page on Boxers, or talking about this particular litter and lineage with the breeder, or even observing your new puppy for a few days, is not enough to really have any idea of what to expect when raising this dog….

Caring for Your Cavachon

The Cavachon is a beautiful breed of dog, but because of their log hair, they regularly require quite a bit of maintenance, otherwise they can end up looking pretty scruffy and eventually, well, quite dirty as well! While your mileage may vary, you’re going to want to take your Cavachon…