Category: Dog Health

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

I have had a couple people ask me if they should be “worried about their dog eating grass?” Well, if you are a person who treats your yard with chemicals, it can make your dog very sick, or even be fatal.  Alot of people think that a dog eats grass when it…

Anxiety in Smaller Dogs

I have always noticed a much higher level of anxiety in small dogs. A few years back, I owned a Min Pin and it was one of the most nervous little things I had ever met. There are a number of ways to tell if your dog is anxious, but…

How to Keep your Dog Safe on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a very stressful time of year. We worry about every little detail and drive ourselves up a wall planning it all out. It is the most food based holiday of the year, and dogs enjoy the revelry at least as much as humans, with bits of this…

Canine Ear Health

Welcome back to the GFP Dog Blog, and today I want to talk about Canine ear health. Whether they’re the type that flop like a Labrador’s, or stand at attention like a Husky, a dog’s ears are one of the most distinguishing characteristics of any breed. Read on to learn more…

Canine Diabetes

The search for diabetic dog food is on the rise as humans are not the only ones that have become prone to diabetes these days. Diabetes is now considered to be a common problem for dogs as well. Canine Diabetes: Diabetes Mellitus affects thousands of dogs every year. This disease…

Canine Epilepsy

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies, one of the leading providers for puppies for sale on the web. Canine Epilepsy is a very serious condition and can shorten your dog’s life dramatically. As you have probably picked up, I have owned quite a few dogs in my life, and of the…

My Dog Is Vomiting!

If you own or ever have owned a dog, then have probably seen it vomit. Your dog vomiting can mean any number of things, some of which are minor, but it can also be caused by an underlying health concern. Some of the simple, less serious things that can cause…

Does my Dog have Anxiety?

Most people don’t realize how easily a dog can become anxious. Dogs are simple creatures that can become very uncomfortable with certain surroundings. As an example, I at one point owned a Rottweiler and a Min-Pin, and I noticed every day the similarities and differences between the two breeds. The…

But My Dog Loves Table Scraps!

And so it goes without saying, any dog will love to eat their master’s leftovers! But the fact is it is horrible for your dog! I have seen this backfire over and over again, either with the dog just getting an upset stomach, or with a more serious concern like…

Heartworm In Dogs

Thanks for coming back to your favorite provider of puppies for sale. Today I want to make you aware of the threat that Heartworm poses to your puppy. While easily prevented, it often goes overlooked buy pet owners and in a lot of cases is caught when it is too late. The…

Canine Gum Disease Facts

As a leading provider of Puppies for Sale, we are constantly striving to make you aware of any threat that your dog will face throughout its life. I am sure that everyone knows plenty about the risks of gum disease in humans, but what about the risk it poses to…

Lyme Disease Facts

Lyme Disease is a very real threat to your dog, and it is vital that you have them protected. Lyme disease is contracted through the bite of a tick that is carrying the bacteria. The name of the disease is derived from the location of the first outbreak in Lyme,…