Category: Dog Breeds

Where Are They Now? Fargo

  Where Are They Now? Fargo Fargo has always been the largest pup in his pack and is thrilled to meet new people and try new things (especially if it includes mud). When we first brought Fargo home he was shy but more than happy to have a belly rub…

Where Are They Now? Lulu

Where Are They Now? Lulu Lulu was the runt of her litter but has always made sure that her voice was heard. Her and Fargo (her half brother) have grown up together since they were adopted and while Fargo towers over her she makes sure he knows that she is…

3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos

3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos Cockapoos have always been a sweet and happy addition to any family or the perfect best friend for any apartment dweller. These guys are always trying to find ways to cheer you up or get you to play. If you’re thinking about getting a…

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear…

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear puppies Shichon puppies or Teddy bear puppies are just as cute and hilarious as you expect. They are sweet, loyal, and loving animals that are completely happy playing with you on the living room floor or taking a cross country road trip…

What is Luxating Patella, and What Breeds Suffer…

What is Luxating Patella? The breeding programs that various canine breeds have been put through over the centuries have led to a wide variety of dogs that have various specialties and talents, strengths and quirks, but unfortunately these purebreds also suffer from a number of different disabilities, disorders, and challenges…

The Origins of the Spaniel: Just What is…

What is a Spaniel? You hear many different words associated with various dog breeds, but often, the meaning of those terms is lost in history and the changing of languages. Fortunately, we are still able to trace those words back to specific meanings if we take the effort to do…

Corgis: Cute, Happy, Healthy, and Smart!

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Without a doubt, the most adorable breed of dog is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Few other breeds can inspire such absolute devotion to their cuteness, as exemplified in every culture in which they are brought into dog-owners’ homes! For this reason alone, many families decide to…

5 Common Health Risks To Watch Out For…

5 Common Health Risks To Watch Out For In Your New Puppy Getting a new puppy can be an exciting and fun experience for a new owner, couple, or family. Once you get the new puppy you will want to make sure they are comfortable in their new surroundings and…

Rottweilers – Brave and Loyal

Rottweilers have always been known as brave and loyal companions for families. They have been trained as fierce protectors for homes, businesses, and even in war times. This has lead to a not-so-favorable opinion about the breed accusing them of attacking passerby at houses or becoming violent. Like all canines,…

Why a Bichon Frise

Why a Bichon Frise? These days we are spoiled for our choice of breeds when it comes to selecting a canine companion. You can choose just about any kind of dog you want, so long as you are willing to take the time to care for them, rear them, train…

What Exactly IS A Hound?

Just What IS a Hound? When talking about dogs and the specialized breeds that comprise the species, we run into a number of words over and over again, words used to describe particular breeds: terriers, bull dogs, and more. One word in particular that we often see is the term “hound,”…