Category: Dog Breeds

Three Little Known Facts About The Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is an adaptable, protective, and extremely lovable dog that can be perfect for many families. They are sweet and gentle around those they love and protect but can become fierce if they feel they or their family is threatened. They are more than just a fantastic guard…

3 Little Known Facts About American Bulldogs

Love Socialization Bulldogs are not the same bulldogs shown in Tom and Jerry cartoons. These animals love to be around people and would rather do anything but mope all day in a doghouse. Though they can become lethargic they adore playing with their family and finding new adventures. That being…

3 Little Known Facts About Labrador Retrievers

Gentle Jaws Because labs are game retrievers they can hold prey in their mouth without damaging the meat or pelt. They can even hold an egg in their mouth without cracking it. Labs enjoy the responsibility given to them by having prey or a toy in their mouth. It means…

3 Little Known Facts About Shichon Teddy Bear…

Often used and bred as therapy dogs Shichon puppies are a designer breed picked for their stature, weight, and calm temperament. For children who have a handicap these mellow, sweet dogs can be the perfect companion that help their owner. Teddy bear puppies were also bred for their patience. They…

Saint Bernards: The Ultimate Winter Dog?

As we all learned from the film Beethoven, St. Bernards are loving, sweet, and resilient dogs that can adept to many different climates. They are, however, happiest in snowy mountaintops surrounded by their loved ones (especially in a snow ball fight). While there are plenty of dogs that thrive in…

3 Signs of Aggression to Watch for in…

Aggression can be categorized into dominant or defensive aggression. Hostility can be brought on by several different variables such as fear, pain, environment, breed, and health. Depending on their behavior and reasoning you can see if the aggression is dominant or defensive. Dominant Aggression Signs of dominant aggression include urinating…

Alaskan Malamutes – 3 Little Known Facts

Alaskan malamutes are very sweet, loyal, and beautiful dogs that can be a wonderful companion for anyone who has enough experience raising and training dogs. As many know this breed was bred to travel in large packs and humans through the frozen tundra. Because of this they are high energy,…

Beagles: More Than Just a Dog On a…

  Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the U.S. because they are sweet, friendly, and loyal to their family. They are always happy to play, go for a hike, or even an early morning hunt. There are a few things you may not know about the breed,…

What You DIDN’T Know About Beagles!

Beagles: More than just a dog on a red dog house. Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the U.S. because they are sweet, friendly, and loyal to their family. They are always happy to play, go for a hike, or even an early morning hunt. There are…

Saint Bernards

What to know about Saint Bernards. How to find out if a Saint Bernard is right for you. Saint Bernards were bred and used in a monastery in Switzerland. These gentle giants were used to predict avalanches and save victims who were caught in the snow. Because of their large…

3 Little Known Facts About Yorkie-pin puppies

Teasers:   Yorkie-pins are not your stereotypical lap dog   Learn more about your new friend   Hybrid between Yorkshire terrier and Miniature Pinscher and inherited every sweet and affectionate trait from their purebred parents. These little love bugs are perfect for apartment living and small family homes with older…

History of the Belgian Malinois

The “perfect shepherd dog,” may not be whom you expect. Lovable and extremely intelligent: The Malinois is the perfect family companion. Originally bred in the city of Maline, Belgium, the malinois was meant to be the “perfect shepherd dog.” Now their popularity has grown as a wonderful guard dog and…