Category: Dog Behavior

Caring for Your Cavachon

The Cavachon is a beautiful breed of dog, but because of their log hair, they regularly require quite a bit of maintenance, otherwise they can end up looking pretty scruffy and eventually, well, quite dirty as well! While your mileage may vary, you’re going to want to take your Cavachon…

Your Beagle and Your Responsibilities

Beagles are not just iconic – they’re adorable. They’re a great choice for a breed for your home, but they aren’t all fun and play; you also have to care for them! Beagles require special care and looking after, just like with any breed, and they have their own set…

Cartoon Reality: How Snoopy Is Like A Real…

Marmaduke, Garfield, Heathcliff, Scooby Doo and (of course) Snoopy…there’s a seemingly endless list of cartoon animals who have human or semi-human characteristics but, in reality, demonstrate characteristics of the very animal type they are a caricature of. What’s fun about these characters is that they are basically exaggerations of those…

The Golden Retriever: Not Just Any Dog

At first glance, golden retrievers seem like an all-around reliable choice for a dog in your home, but in fact, they are just as unique, as special, and as needy as any other pet. They have their own particular set of quirks and problems, as well as strengths and virtues,…

The Friendly and Fun Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is about as close to a wolf as many of us will get as far as dog breeds are concerned. They aren’t actually wolves, of course, but they bear a slight resemblance, and they certainly have the strength and endurance that we typically associate with a wolf;…

Choosing a Friend: The Westie

The Westie, whose actual name is the West Highland White Terrier, is a beautiful and brilliantly friendly breed that is enjoyable in any home. These days, we end up seeing a number of Westies in homes across America, and it’s no wonder; the Westie offers quite a bit to its…

The Australian Shepherd: A No Nonsense Helper and…

The Australian Shepherd is one of those breeds of shepherd dogs that people just absolutely love, and if this is a breed you are considering for your family, then you are in for quite a treat. Of course you want to ensure that you are choosing the right breed for…

A Friend and Companion in the German Shepherd

Few breeds offer so much as the German Shepherd, with German Shepherd puppies quickly becoming the puppy-of-choice for many. Sure, there are the scrappy lap dogs and the super-friendly labs and the tough-looking bulldogs, but few are quite as majestic, as powerful, as obedient, as intelligent, and as strong as…

The Most British of Bulldogs

It’s the dogs we see on film and television, the ones that have distinctive and iconic looks to them, that we most often end up adopting. It’s kind of a self-sustaining loop: with everyone choosing those breeds, they become more ubiquitous, and thus more people see them and choose those…

4 Problems Facing Your Dog This Summer

You’ve got a lot to look out for this summer when it comes to your dog, everything ranging from the weather to travel to food to just about every other aspect of their life. Let’s face it: when you have a dog you love and care about, you practically have…

Help Your Dog Get Out More!

Dogs are, quite naturally, social animals. That’s no wonder, considering the symbiotic relationship their species has formed with ours over the years, both of us getting quite a bit out of a relationship that is essentially social in nature. We bond and connect with each other while also performing services…

What a Dog Does for the Elderly

Dogs can have quite a bit of energy, sometimes more than we are prepared for as their owners and caregivers! They are, after all, a naturally rambunctious, curious, playful species, one that has grown up and developed alongside us and come to anticipate our own desires and interests as far…