Category: Dog Behavior

3 Little Known Facts About Airedoodles

The Airedoodle is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Airedale Terrier and the Poodle. Because it is a hybrid dog you should research both breeds separately and compare them to get a good definition of the dog’s health, temperament, and personality. There are some characteristics, however,…

3 Little Known Facts About Alaskan Malamute

    Alaskan malamutes are very sweet, loyal, and beautiful dogs that can be a wonderful companion for anyone who has enough experience raising and training dogs. As many know this breed was bred to travel in large packs and humans through the frozen tundra. Because of this they are…

Miniature Poodles: The Good, The Bad, and The…

  Miniature poodles have been portrayed in the media as very fragile but nothing could be further from the truth. These dogs are perfect for first time owners and are incredibly intelligent and eager to have fun with their owner. By training your new pet early and firmly you will…

3 Little Known Facts About Akbash puppies

  Akbash puppies: Perfect dog for any rural family   Akbash is a 3,000 year-old breed that was originally bred in Turkey to herd sheep and cattle and protect the homestead. These dogs are incredibly loyal to their family and livestock. If you are thinking about adopting an Akbash puppy…

3 Little Known Facts About Akitas

Teasers:   High Maintenance: The True Akita is a Diva   “I’m so bored that couch looks tasty,” and other unknown aspects you may not know about Akitas   Not for first time pet owners   The Akita is a wonderful family dog that loves to care for and protect…

3 Little Known Facts About Airedale Terriers

An Airedale is part of the terrier breed and makes a fantastic family dog. This breed is medium energy, which is perfect for playing with the kids or running around in the woods. Before adopting be sure to research any rescues and breeders extensively so you can prepare for your…

Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions

Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions Before adopting a new companion, you should always consider what time you have to devote to a new family member, what activities you will want or be able to have them participate in, and how you will be able to include them in your…

Three Little Known Facts About African Boerboels

What You May Want to Know Before Adopting An African Boerboel Boerboels are Gentle Giants That May Be Perfect For Your Family African Borboels (pronounced burbulls) were bred in South Africa to protect farms and homes from predators and used to hunt wounded game. The history of Boerboels is varied…

3 Surprising Facts About Your Labrador Retriever

 Surprising Facts About Your Lab! The Labrador Retriever is perhaps the most well-known dog among Americans, and with good reason: the breed is loyal, intelligent, kindhearted, strong, energetic, obedient, and beautiful. What isn’t to love? Yet despite its popularity, the breed actually holds quite a few mysteries yet, as well…

Three Ways To Help Calm Your Dog’s Fear…

Three Ways To Help Calm Your Dog’s Fear of Thunder Have A Plan You will want to have a thunderstorm plan that will make your dog as comfortable as possible. Spend an hour outside before the storm so they have plenty of time to play and use the bathroom. This…

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Without a doubt, the most adorable breed of dog is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Few other breeds can inspire such absolute devotion to their cuteness, as exemplified in every culture in which they are brought into dog-owners’ homes! For this reason alone, many families decide to…

When and What to Feed Your Dog When…

When and What to Feed Your Dog When They Lose Appetite When your pet is not eating it can be incredibly worrisome and frustrating. Having options and answers can help make your pet’s life and your own much more comfortable and easier. With these options you may find a good…