Your New Puppy | Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog

Your New Puppy

Buying a New Puppy

The first weeks of your new puppy’s life with you will be busy and demanding. There may be times when you wonder if getting a puppy was such a good idea. Things will go better if you have patience and keep your sense of humor. Remember that puppy hood only happens once. The extra effort you put into it now will pay off in the future, and you will gain the admiration of Dog lovers everywhere by having such a well trained and well behaved puppy.

To your new friend, the world is brand new and fascinating! He’s seeing it all for the very first time and absolutely everything must be thoroughly investigated. Puppies do most of their investigating with their mouths — “Look at this! What is it? Something to eat? Something to play with?” Murphy’s Law says that a puppy will be most attracted to the things he should least have — electrical cords, the fringe on your expensive oriental rug, your brand new running shoes, etc. Think of it like this, when we are children, we had a very similar need to explore things we found new and interesting, didn’t we?

Keep in mind that raising your new dog is a long term commitment and should be approached as exactly that. If all else fails, try Puppies for Dummies! In all seriousness, the key is to just stay very focused and patient. Your puppy can pick up on your emotions like a child does, so feed him good vibes for good results, and give lots of treats for a job well done. It will be one of the most loyal friendships you develop in your life, and your Puppy will love you from the first snuggle, I promise!

For more great info on how to train a new puppy click here!

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