Yorkshire Terrier Puppies

Yorkshire Terriers are typically a well recognized dog because they are small and have long silky hair, often tied up with a bow on their head. Their size and luxuriousness gives them the side name of a toy dog. As puppies, they are born black, brown and tan and their hair typically becomes more of a steal blue and brown. Yorkshire Terriers typically only grow up to 7″ tall and weigh 7 pounds.

Although the Yorkshire Terrier can be a great dog to own, that depends on if their owner trains them well enough. They are well known for developing innapropriate dog behaviors and taking over the house and getting away with it only because of their small size, when their owner does not lead them well. Such innapropriate behaviors would be pottying in the house, yapping a lot, being suspicous of strangers and extremely dependent on their owners. If the Yorkie is raised with proper boundaries and a good leader, they can become dogs with wonderful temperaments, house trained, loyal, adventurous, fun, and brave. They can also be really great watchdogs, considering their small size.

Yorkies have a life expectancy of up to 15 years, although they are prone to several health issues, such as eye infections, tooth decay, hernia’s in the spine that lead to paralysis in the back legs, and digestive disorders. They have relatively sensitive digestive systems and should not be given exotic treats and should have a dry bone to chew on often to keep their teeth clean. On the plus side, they do not shed hair much at all, although they do need constant grooming of their hair to keep it clean and knot free.

Like most dogs, they like to play and take walks. They don’t usually need a yard beause of their small size, they can typically play fine in a home, however, they still have that instinct of needing a walk every day. Raised well, they should walk right next to their owner by knowing their owner is the leader. But more or less, they are great companion dogs and not to mention, extremely cute.

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