What Types Of Service Dogs Are Legally Recognized?

The Justice Department

This department oversees the rules and regulations of highly skilled and trained service dogs. The definition of specific laws is in place regarding service dogs. New rules and regulations set in place since 2011 under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each state may have rules set in place.

It is not legal to prohibit owners’ access to public areas with their service dogs for any personal reason. Service dogs must always be under control of their owner and housebroken.

Many people with disabilities require specifically trained dogs to help them with their activities of daily living. The disability act states that a service dogs are any trained canine able to assist the disabled person. The categories of disabilities include autism, mobility deficits, hearing and sight deficits, psychiatric disabilities and more.

Do not confuse a service dog with therapy dogs. Designated therapy dogs do not have the same benefits as that of trained service dogs. Service dogs can legally enter into public buildings such as restaurants and transportation networks such as trains, buses and airplanes. Certification of ID is not required; however, many trainers do issue an ID for trained service dogs.

Jobs of Service Dogs

These specifically trained dogs are able to lead the blind and alert the hearing-impaired person. These experienced animals can remind people to take their medicine, and guard their master during a seizure. Some persons who have posttraumatic stress syndrome may need a dog to protect and support them during a panic attack. Lists of designated organizations are available to meet particular disability needs of the person.

These dogs are highly skilled and have significant and urgent tasks to perform. These dogs are companions with duties and are not pets. There are dogs that owners consider as comfort and support to them, but their dogs are not to be confused as service dogs.

In spite of the training these dogs have, the owner must keep them on a harness, or leash. They can be harness or leash free if it means that the dog cannot fulfill their duties to their owners. The owner must keep them under control at all times.

Not All Dogs are Up to Being a Service Dog

Some dog breeds that train as service dogs are Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Corgis,, Border Collies, Huskies, Boxers, Doberman Pinchers, Pointers, Dalmatians, Standard Poodles Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Labradoodles.

Labradors, Golden Retrievers and Shepherds are Favorable Service Dogs

• Great temperament

• Versatile

• Great size

• Availability

• Highly intelligent

• Enjoy working

• Big enough to guide and pull

• Small enough to accommodate small places

Service Dogs Get Their Start as Puppies

Breeders, who raise puppies with the core of training them as service dogs, use basic dog obedience training. They set the pups in various social situations stressing good manners. In-depth training generally starts at about one and one half years and will take about six months.

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