Training Your Siberian Husky

Huskies are absolutely stunning dogs who are intelligent, quick-witted, funny, loving pups that can be great for any family large or small. Like any dog there are some do’s and don’t’s when you are training your husky so you and your pooch can get along and create reliable communication. Here are a few tips you can follow that may help you along the way.

Tough but fair

These pups are extremely intelligent and can become headstrong or stubborn if not trained properly or consistently. You should train with positive reinforcement but do so sternly and without wavering. This way your husky will understand that you are the alpha of the pack and that you must be taken seriously. Reward training is a good way to keep your pooch focused during training sessions and will help you maintain the upper hand. Huskies can manage longer training sessions than other breeds. Don’t be afraid to have a 45 or hour-long session with your husky. This breed is eager to gain the approval of their owner and will work hard to make sure they make the grade. That being said they will also let you know when training is over. If they simply lie down or begin to sniff around they may be tired and ready for a break.


Try to always be consistent when training and when giving commands. Try to keep an even toned voice when giving your dog commands and try to have similar times for your dog’s training sessions. This will help them understand what you want, the purpose, and you will be able to schedule around training so it is not sporadic or ineffective. You may also want to make sure your training sessions are similar in make up. Always have the kibble in the same pocket, start with the same three to five commands and then work toward more advanced or new commands. This way they will understand that training has started and will be ready to focus.

Lots of love

After training be sure to give your dog affection even if it was not the most successful training session. Your pooch needs to know that you love them and appreciate all the work they do for you. While you may not want to reward them with a new bone or a belly rub, do not punish them by forcing them into their kennel or away from you. Your husky is very sensitive and must know that it will be loved no matter what.

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