Training Your Beagle

Beagles were once bred for hunting and are still found at the side of hunters, but they are also affectionate family pets. Due to the fact that beagles were once bred primarily for hunting, they have a loud howl and can get into trouble if they are not trained appropriately. Fortunately, it is possible to channel your dog’s natural energy when you start training your new puppy or adult dog.

Correct Poor Behavior Firmly

Beagles were bred to lead hunters to prey, so they are very independent and intelligent dogs. As a result, it is easy for a beagle to think he or she is in charge if you are not firm when you correct your puppy.

Use a firm tone of voice, but do not act aggressively. Keep in mind that you are teaching your puppy or dog how you expect him or her to behave. That means firmly saying no and giving treats or rewards for good behavior.

Offer Small Treats

Beagles might seem difficult to train because of their independent attitude, but they are also very motivated by food. Giving treats for good behavior or to reward success can help teach your beagle what you expect.

Keep the treats small to avoid over-feeding your special pooch. Too many treats are not healthy and you do not want your beagle to expect treats every time. Start out with regular treats and then slowly reduce the rewards so that you give it occasionally.

Socialize Your Beagle

Socialization is essential if you bring home a beagle because they can become aggressive if they are not exposed to other people, dogs or other pets. Get your beagle out in social settings regularly from the time you bring your pet home.

Go For Walks

Beagles need exercise. Get out and walk on a regular basis. Play games before going to work. Set aside time to spend with your beagle in an active setting. The regular exercise will make training easier and will build up the bond between you and your dog.

Training a beagle can be hard if you do not understand your pet. Fortunately, regular exercise, socialization and rewards can help simplify the process of training so that you can enjoy your time with your pet.

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