Three Little Known Facts About The Belgian Malinois

Belgian MalinoisThe Belgian Malinois is an adaptable, protective, and extremely lovable dog that can be perfect for many families. They are sweet and gentle around those they love and protect but can become fierce if they feel they or their family is threatened. They are more than just a fantastic guard dogs, however. Mals, as they are lovingly referred to, are incredibly intelligent, quick, and have become a loyal companion of man. Here are a few facts you may not know about the breed.

Original Herders

Before these dogs we K-9 units working with police around the world they were herding and protecting livestock. Bred in Maline Belgium, these pups were used to protect cattle during the day and the homestead at night. They would always be alert and fiercely protective of their home from predators or human assailants. Mals are also quick-witted and often can work through multi-level tasks quickly. This is perfect if the dog is protecting the home or helping their owner keep the herd in line. Their herding abilities are part of the reason why they are used by many police forces today.

Sensitive Souls

While Mals are often known for being social creatures some are more aloof and shy. Because of their personality and their intelligence they do not react well to harsh training methods. While it is always best to positively train your dog with rewards and affection, some find it difficult to train dogs like the Malinois because they are so quick-witted. Even some police forces originally struggled training the breed because they were accustomed to training German Shepherds who were able to thrive under harsh training. If you decide to adopt a Belgian Malinois be sure to use positive reinforcement when training and try not to train them for more than 45 minutes everyday. This will keep them happier and eager to learn.

Social Creatures

Like many pups, Mals need socialization. If you adopt when they are a puppy or when they are full grown you need to try to get them used to other dogs and the humans they will live with everyday. As a puppy, try to have them around other dogs and children so they will not become shy or aggressive around either. You can also take them to puppy kindergarten where they will meet other pups and become accustomed to different situations. If you adopt older you will need to ease them into socialization more.


Belgian Malinois

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