Three Little Known Facts About Cocker Spaniels

Cocker Spaniels are a wildly popular breed throughout the U.S. and the rest of the world. Their sweet temperament and positive outlook has made them one of the most adopted dog breeds. Because of this you will want to make sure you are purchasing your pooch from a responsible shelter or breeder. Some have begun breeding the dogs and have even caused inbreeding and mixing which can harm the individual pup and the breed itself. If you adopt this breed make sure to do extensive research before you make the purchase.

Quiet Commands

These pups respond well to positive reinforcement that has commands given quietly and bluntly. Be sure when you are training your cocker spaniel you have a bag of kibble with you and to only use conversational (or even softer) tones. This way they will not mimic loud volumes or feel threatened when you give them a command. Cocker spaniels are very sensitive dogs that can become anxious or hurt if spoken to in loud or harsh tones. They will also respond to loud commands with loud barking, to avoid this, use a soft but stern voice when training and whenever you are speaking to your dog.

Love the Hunt

Because they are hunting dogs, cocker spaniels will often chase small game or tug at their leash if they catch a scent. If you both are out for a walk you should make sure your pooch is always on a leash so they do not run off with you trailing behind them. You may want to purchase a harness for your dog so it will not harm you or itself if it tugs on the leash. It will also help them learn not to over time. Cocker spaniels are very determined hunting dogs so you will always want them close to you during your walks. They should always be next to you or in front of you.


While docking the ears can be cruel for many dog breeds, some trainers and veterinarians suggesting docking your pooch’s ears to make sure there is air circulation to avoid build up in the ear and ear infections. Grooming your new pet can be time consuming and incredibly expensive if not done well and consistently. Docking the ears may help reduce grooming and vet bills over time and you will have to spend less time checking their ears for build up or infections.

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