The Origins of the Spaniel: Just What is a Spaniel?

What is a Spaniel?

You hear many different words associated with various dog breeds, but often, the meaning of those terms is lost in history and the changing of languages. Fortunately, we are still able to trace those words back to specific meanings if we take the effort to do so, from the idea of the bulldog to the meaning of “lab.” One word that can seem a little more cloaked in mystery is the term “spaniel”: just what does it mean, and where does it come from?

What “Spaniel” Means

Any dog that is considered a “spaniel” is a type of “gun dog.” Gun dogs are hunting dogs that were bred, over time, to help hunters with the task of retrieving their quarry once it had been felled. Generally speaking, that quarry was birds, though it varied. Gun dogs are typically divided into three different kinds of dogs: retrievers, flushing dogs, and pointing dogs.

Spaniels can be identified by certain specific physical characteristics which are associated with the breed. The generally have long hair that is “silky,” with long ears that droop down over their heads. They typically have a broad muzzle, and their colors range from a sort of reddish-brown to white, with varying red, white, black, white, deep brown, and tan spots. They range in size from lapdog to larger hunting dog. Due to their coat and their physical capabilities, they are great in water! Finally, it is generally agreed that their considerable intelligence, ability to empathize with their owners, and tendency towards obedience makes them excellent pets.

The Origin of the Spaniel

The origin of the Spaniel breed is still in some dispute. Some believe that the breed has its origins in the British Isles, where a group of Celts moved from Spain and eventually into Wales, England, and Ireland. The belief is that the breed was originally the Agassian hunting dog, but changed over time, as all breeds do, especially in isolation and when met with different needs by their owners.

Others believe that the breed was imported into Britannia by the ancient Romans via their trade routes – meaning that the breed actually originated in China! Finally, some think that the breed has its origins in the Holy Land, as Arabic Greyhounds – leading to what we know of today as French Spaniels.

Regardless of their origins, one thing is known: these hunting dogs make fantastic companions, and if you are thinking of a Spaniel as your next canine friend, then you are on the right track!

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